The idea that one has your truth is new age bullshit. There is the truth and there are any number of perspectives on the truth and opinions on the truth. You cannot have your truth, there is just the truth. Belief in your truth is one small step from living a lie. And it negates the ability to actually obtain the truth for it requires continued examination.
I was going to write this as it concerns a certain cult of personality that is trolling the USA currently. This was originally going to be entirely one-sided because the support of the man from Madison Avenue requires innumerable omissions of the truth and adoption of a narrative and opinion as truth. I was going to be more focused on what is the more blatantly blinded and deafened group which inspired this, but it is more of a cultural issue rather than a partisan one or even a political one. Perhaps it is an educational or experiential issue, ultimately.
I wasn't going to dive deep into the spirituality pool when I began this little article either. But by way of the following idea we can explore the issue more simply, perhaps, separate from partisan political subjects. Since observation of this idea it has struck me as profound in its simplicity. Practically all the creation stories of the world and many of the most primal and beautiful myths all begin with four parts, a duality of polarity. There is male and female and there is good and evil. Simple. Well, simple when you do not let your truth get in the way of the truth.
There is male and female and there is good and evil.
On the subject of male and female we must admit that your biological sex is not changeable but your sexuality might be. Your physical is not interchangeable hardware. Your truth is not the truth. Your sexual direction is not fact based, it is opinion based. We must respect people that are different and we must accept ourselves without trying to be different, though it is certainly acceptable to pursue development and betterment.
On the subject of morality we have to admit that partisan minds will omit facts and deny reality so as to maintain their truth and not face the facts, not face the truth. And that itself is immoral.
It is one thing to disagree on the truth, different perspectives alter view, and possession of different information alters opinion. However, what we have often enough is more of propped up belief system based primarily on ignoring immorality. Ignoring the truth is one level of immorality and ignoring the truth of immorality is a whole other level of immorality. The belief that one is living one's truth is built upon willful ignorance but towers into willful immorality.
Such chosen ignorance in order to maintain a cherished narrative perceived as the truth is where we are today in society. And we can see the results of this new age manure by way of adults behaving as if a child with whimsical belief systems ardently put forth wherever they go. The 'this my truth and that is their truth' con ultimately has people living a lie, and not just by way of simple starting facts as it concerns male and female, moral and immoral, the charade takes place in all sorts of systems and situations.
We can at least start with the fundamentals that there are certain things we cannot change. And there are certain things we cannot presume to know, the total truth has to be explored not possessed.
The way actions are perceived may change but the distinction between morality and immorality does not change. Belief in your truth will lead you to living a lie. We have to call out the willful ignorance and the willful immorality.