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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 10/3/17

For Whom the Bell Tolls, the Day After Las Vegas

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Marcello Rollando
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Where is Peace, I Wonder
Where is Peace, I Wonder
(Image by Akemi Ohira)
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Whether propagating the self-deception of a reality show society or willfully picking up the gauntlet with which gun violence has targeted reason, let freedom ring in favor of our right to agree to disagree without NRA tools of mass destruction; rethink In God We Trust fear and faith on the backs of our green, our tired and our poor -- failing to see our fragile life-line to, there but for the grace: Sandy Hook, again.

A near death experience can magnify our enlightenment or regurgitate casting our sandlot against people who look too tanned for comfort with lifestyle choices unbecoming our inclusion, or swing away like guardians putting themselves in harm's way for those striking out at bat, but still rounding their gerrymandered bases.

We could snatch from the bowels of the lies we tell ourselves about gender equality, a more creative, and collaborative boost to minimum wage, teacher salaries and American ingenuity -- committing ourselves to a real America First focused revival that reinvigorates construction and manufacturing careers.

Whatever our heritage, homage or hue, ultimately, we are the solution to moral bankruptcy, political perjury, Conservative prejudice, human extinction and the atmosphere we've created in the name of prosperity astride a foundation of poverty.

The American Dream is not sleep walking through nightmares of knocking down the doors of those who trusted our now frigid, Statue of Liberty promises, with ICE picked madness, oppression and death by automatic sniper fire camouflaged as Constitutional.

We can choose to be passionate in our compassion, or ruthless in our rallies.

Tis the season for Catastrophic change: Twitter & Facebook admitting, like Bank of America and Wells Fargo, they are American in name only, domestic terrorism in Las Vegas, and, the ship sinking the united in the United States, ignoring brown people left behind by Hurricane Maria and swamp thing's fake news.

Sometimes all it takes to be good neighbors, is replacing the power of 140 characters with the art of silence -- meditating, perhaps, on what would be our response to being labeled, card-carrying members of, The Axis of Evil -- or the land of the hacked.

We can stand up for Standing Rock, stand with San Juan's Mayor Carmen Yuln Cruz and stand tall for Justice by bending a knee and exposing the soulless promoting tax reform as miracle for the Middle Class and, not good for me.

Thoughts and Prayers language can be the veil giving cover to both puppeteers and puppets, masking our massive self-deluding addiction to Opioids and guns -- bequeathing children, streets littered with plastic, Styrofoam and dreams of violence.

Maybe hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, and raging forest fires are unavoidable cycles, but our breaking treaties with Native-Americans, internment of Japanese-Americans, shooting unarmed people resembling Henrietta Lacks and being too war intensive: invading Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq -- is more eclipse.

We can ignore Dulles brothers' legacy to Koch brothers, and languish in a shroud of mystery and conspiracy theories while assassination truth is denied by a president who, at 71, needed help to discover the political cover of, optics as hurricane response excuse -- but Las Vegas reminds us, the next moment has never been promised.

We can live life with grace, generosity and gratitude -- or clone ourselves a politically motivated 21 st century Nero, fiddlin' away our Exceptionalism.

Indeed, everything has its season, and time yields to life changing events, but if we fail to, seize the day from irrational leaders, Boomlets, like Millennials before them , will only inherit the winds of perpetual war and domestic violence, before abrupt climate change can educate Global Warming deniers.

Believing thumbed digital phrases while walking is conversing, we are self-disconnecting from human communication. Losing the art of listening to our inner voice of reason, we divorce humane communion. Until we exude tolerance for those with whom we disagree, we risk, acts of pure evil, and deny ourselves all-inclusive vision.

Shooters, Isolationists, Originalists, Fascists and Supremacists prevail only when we desert the potential of a loving human chain of diversity, waiting for permission to share -- little produced by humankind is at its best when unilateral, first launched or white-washed.

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Communications consultant and ghost writer for progressive political organizations, causes and candidates. Text/content contributor, script doctor, rewriting/editing political speeches and theatre scripts, screenplays, teleplays and other creative (more...)
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