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An Impeachment Raspberry to USA Today

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Dave Lindorff
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By Dave Lindorff

The Gannett national paper USA Today in its photo spread on the gowns of the stars at the Oscars called attention to the orange ribbon worn by the stunning-as-always actress Julie Christie, but failed to accurately describe the message.

Saying she wore a read gown adorned by a small orange ribbon, the paper claimed that the decoration pinned to her dress was to symbolize the ACLU. In fact, as we all know, and as anyone knows who pays any attention at all to what's going on out in grassroots America, that ribbon symbolizes the demand for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

Brava to Ms. Christie for her important statement.

And a big Thb-b-b-b-bth! to USA Today for not having a clue!
DAVE LINDORFF, a Philadelphia-based journalist, is author of "THe Case for Impeachment" (St. Martin's Press, 2006). His work can be found at ThisCantBeHappening.net

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Dave Lindorff, winner of a 2019 "Izzy" Award for Outstanding Independent Journalism from the Park Center for Independent Media in Ithaca, is a founding member of the collectively-owned, journalist-run online newspaper (more...)

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