> off. I would suggest also sending a copy to your local Congressperson
> as a CC. Then please pass this on to others. It is time for accountability by this administration. If we do not insist that our representatives act, we will have abdicated our inherent power under our form of government and Constitution.
> If you support Cindy Sheehan in her efforts to run for Congress and be a voice for the citizens of this country, check out her website:
> http://www.cindyforcongress.org/
Jody Holder
> House Resolution 333 for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney
> is off the House floor, and has instead been sent to the Judiciary
> Committee for "further study." This maneuver, organized by Pelosi and
> the Democratic leadership, is consistent with their mantra that
> impeachment is "off the table." But, we are told Nancy Pelosi is
> reported to have replied to the question of impeachment that if she
> received 10,000 hand written letters she would proceed with it. What
> are we waiting for?
> Cindy Sheehan wrote this:
> Dear Friends
> Instead of sending your impeachment letters for Dick Cheney to Nancy
> Pelosi's office, send them to my office so we can get an official count.
> Please send them to:
> Cindy for Congress
> RE: Impeach Dick Cheney
> 1260 Mission Blvd
> San Francisco, Ca 94103
> Please pass this around and have them sent by Friday, November 16th
> and we will have them delivered to her office in San Francisco before
> Thanksgiving.
> Spread this far and wide so we can take sacks of letters to her.
> Don't include anything besides the letter.
> Love
> Cindy