The Election Defense Alliance is hiring Zogby to do independent exit polls in November. Polls that can't be changed when the election turns out to be the opposite from the exit polls like the 2004 elections. This is being organized by Jonathan Simon and his associates. Jonathan is the statistician who captured images of the 2004 exit polls which showed Kerry won. The polls were changed after Bush won. We need independent exit polls this election more than to verify election results. We urgently need your help to fund this very expensive effort. Please give as generously as you can because our democracy depends on safeguarding our elections.
Activists in states like Maryland, which have statewide paperless touchscreen voting machines, have been desperately seeking a way to validate the true intent of voters. Our only hope is a national exit poll that could capture the will of voters.
The national media consortium's exit poll in 2004 was a disaster. The outcome appeared only briefly on TV screens nationwide, clearly indicating a win for John Kerry. In those moments before the original data disappeared, Jonathan Simon was able to capture the results in 46 states. Then the polls mysteriously from view and, in its place, poll results that had been "adjusted" appeared, confirming the "official" Bush win outcome.
Now Jonathan Simon, Steve Freeman, and many other computer experts and statisticians are determined to raise enough money to have an independent national poll in place for the coming elections on November 7. This effort is being coordinated through the Election Defense