Source:CBPP analysis based on Congressional Budget Office estimates by What's Driving Public Debt? Tax Cuts, Wars Account For Nearly Half Of Public Debt By 2019
The [purported] Budget deal (as outlined by a cloaked facebook user posting with a persona: 'Backdoor Draft'):
1) Seniors are safe 95% and future Seniors are 90% safe
2) Defense will be cut at 18% per year
3) Bush tax cuts will expire automatically and taxes will go back to Clinton years.HIGHer rates
4) Subsidies to oils and farms are open to be cut or eliminated
5) Educational grants and reeducation or retraining programs face 20% cuts
Uh. More wealth polarization and social collapse result from their Executive-Legislative deal. 80% of us population possess only 7% of the total financial wealth. 40 cents of every tax dollar goes to pay on the debt, the other 50 cents goes to militarist adventurism, leaving 10 cents on every taxpayer dollars for actual programs.
Our Revolutionary Communities Response:
the People's budget deal:
1) Seniors are safe 105% and future Seniors are 105% safe
2) Militarist spending will be cut at 40% per year until 8% of current spending
3) Bush tax cuts will expire automatically and taxes will return to top marginal corporate tax rate under Eisenhower (52%)
4) Subsidies to oils and agribusiness are eliminated
5) Educational grants and reeducation or retraining programs 50% increases
6) a Green jobs New Deal for everyone who wants a job, k-post-doc education, and Quality of Life watershed revitalization
If the Faustian bargain is negotiated to continue endless war and no tax cuts on upper income brackets, while raiding Social Security - mostly benefitting for the elderly, a self-supporting, not-contributing-to-the-tax-burden program, we fire Congress by having an us summer of revolution encircling the Capitol for as long it takes for the People's Demand to be Met: no one leaves until they resign.
Shut Down the rapacious us war machine and bankster illuminati! shut down all gas-oil-coal-nuclear power and gmos! the world Peoples' Permanent Revolution General Strike!