They dangle the American Dream before our eyes
When, in reality, most people are just left dangling
Like brothers & sisters hanging
To what's left of New Orleans
Neocons are Republicans
And Republicans are NeoKlans
Hiding behind tailored suits
And Coulter's golden strands
They don't believe in justice""they believe in "just us"
"Us" being Justices Roberts and "Princeton's Not White Enough" Alito
That God blesses "just us" (and nobody else)
And spying on Americans incognito
Diversity to them means creating diversions
Away from fair taxes or global warming
The "War on Terror" is a cash cow
And Bechtel Corp is most deserving
And believe the Earth's ripe for taking and raping
Torture is their modus operandi
Nude bodies and wrists for taping
They don't believe in liberty because it sounds too much like liberal
They don't believe in the word "union" because it's linked to the word "civil"
But be certain
They believe in tax cuts and Haliburton
And Enron and Abramoff
Or helping DeLay get off
Or offing Chavez
Or outing Plame
But couldn't out Jeff Gannon
Man, what a game!
Neocon artists love to paint pretty pictures
And say that everything's all right
But tell that to a mom that's lost her child
In a show of military might
We wonder who will save us
From this long descent into night
Damned if it would be the Democrats
They're just paralyzed with fright
They're afraid of their shadows
Afraid not to offend
Afraid to fight the Neocons
Their knees just ready to bend
So, brothers and sisters
Of Black, Yellow, White, Brown, & Red
Vote, Protest, and pick up the pen
America's not dead
Stand up for justice
Stand up for peace
Stand up for health care
Stand up for the least
Stand up for freedom
Stand up for compassion
Neocons don't own this virtue
It's their Weapon of Mass Distraction