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By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   20 comments

"Hoss" David P.
Message David Patterson
     The novel, trendy mystique of Ron Paul is gripping the Internet Nation. It is bringing attention to an otherwise dead field of condidates(Not Misspelled)in an otherwise boring primary season. So what's the attraction, how's he doing it? I'll tell you exactly how he's doing it. He's running on a grab bag of issues that appeal to the disaffected extremes of both the Right and Left. His subtle appeal to the relic segregationists on the right and the Anti war hippies on the left are the most obvious and extreme. We all forget the Ron Paul is a seasoned political genius arriving at the top of his game at just the right time. Yes, Ron Paul almost makes you forget that he is a calculating political animal no different from all the rest. He's just has found a seemingly credible on the surface, resonating niche for himself right now.  I can't blame him for milking it for all it's worth, about 18 million or so in donations, so far
      One positive is the bringing of people back into the political dialog. You can see even here at OpEd News all the new commenters weighing in on the Ron Paul Articles. Even my usually ignored articles have gotten huge Diggs, at least for me, and many comments more than I'm accustomed. I suppose that's a good thing, all writers like improved statistics. So let me acknowledge, welcome and thank all that have Digged my Ron Paul articles and left comments.
     But Ron Paul has a stance on the Federal Reserve, inflation and money creation that needs exploring.  Is he saying that the confluence of Fiat debt created money, inflation and Government Assistance programs are what perpetuate the Class wars and poverty in our society? I read where he said that he wants to return to a Gold standard but not quite a gold standard for our money system. I,as a political observer, love that position for it's shear tight rope walking and fence sitting, but as a man in the world using money as a tool to survive, I'm a little confused.
     The problem is most Americans do not understand the Federal reserve and the whole Idea of debt created, fiat money. It's a secret. But clearly the Banks do though. It somehow always seems to work for them no matter the economic conditions at large. In fact there are those who say that the FED causes the high and lows in societal economic conditions with their money policy.  But to simply blame everything on the Federal Reserve and the Congress would well be, I don't know, maybe that is where all the blame lies. But what is this culture of insulated speculators controlling the price of commodities, energy and real estate? Most call it free market economics, some might call it stealing. Yet somehow Ron Paul is appealing to both. Now that is political genius.
     So go on and be fascinated by this maverick people's candidate. It's good for all Americans to get involved, but Americans are going to have to study up on this money thing. Americans are going to have to finally understand how the Fed, which was ostensibly created to keep money policy out of Politics, is in fact helping perpetuate the class divisions along with the help of our Government of course. Ron Paul like any other political shill is working his gimmick. It will be interesting to see if his gimmicky outsider thing holds up under the increased scrutiny coming his way. The thing about Ron Paul is, it was harder to figure it out his shtick than the other more obvious condidates(Again, NOT Mispelled)

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I am a simple man of eclectic interests and tastes with no particular academic credentials. I still perceive, think, read and write somewhat. Writing music is a hobby of mine

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