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Pilots for 9/11 Truth Joins Growing 9/11 Truth Coalition Spreading the Word on "The Shell Game" anti-war novel.

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Bill Douglas
Message Bill Douglas

A momentum is building that may profoundly impact the coming election as well as the long term future of America.  What is odd is that it comes in the form of an action-fiction novel.  New York Times best selling author, Steven Alten, has written a spell-binding action novel, which brilliantly is interwoven with REAL media reports and research that leads the reader to understand we've been lied to about many things.  Energy, War, and the reasons leading up to war. 

It takes on the neo-cons desire to invade Iran.  This novel's story woven into the minds of mainstream America may help avoid the nightmarish future many fear.

This is why a growing coalition of truth activists and organizations have advocated that all who love peace and justice inform everyone they know of this unique mainstream novel, "The Shell Game," which can change the mainstream for the better.

The most recent addition to this growing coalition is Pilots for 9/11 Truth.

Joining the esteemed likes of famed theologian and author and 9/11 truth researcher and author, David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan, 911Truth.org, and many other respected voices for truth.


 We, the undersigned, urge everyone seeking truth, peace and justice, to not only purchase this new novel, "The Shell Game," but also to email out this appeal to all you know who seek truth, peace and justice in the form of 9/11 truth coming out.  In turn, please urge them to do the same with all their contacts and urge them to do the same.  We can break 9/11 truth open if we work together and focus on this project for the next 30 days. 

Yours in 9/11 truth, peace and justice, 
Bill Douglas, 911 Visibility Project
Janice Matthews - 911Truth.org Executive Director
David Ray Griffin - 9/11 Researcher and Author
Kevin Ryan -former UL chemistry laboratory manager & NIST report whistle blower
Dr. Robert Bowman - Rtd. Colonel US Air Force, 9/11 truth leader; thepatriots.us/
Rob Balsamo – Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Carol Brouillet - Organizer of 1st National 9/11 Truth Conference in San Francisco
Mike Berger - "Improbable Collapse" Documentary Producer - 911Truth Spokesman
David Kubiak - 911Truth.org Board member
Kevin Barrett – Muslim/Christian/Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth 

URGENT 9/11 Truth Action:  New York Times Best Selling Author's 9/11 Truth Novel  Dear 9/11 Truth Seekers Demanding a New 9/11 Investigation, 

Today we have an amazing opportunity, if we work together, to launch 9/11 truth into a new mainstream American paradigm. In the formation of the global 9/11 truth movement there have been landmark moments that catapulted this truth movement forward:   
* Mike Ruppert's early work with copvcia.com and his crucial early research (which got me in this)
* The first national truth conference, formed by Carol Brouillet/Ken Jenkins in San Francisco
* The formation of 911Truth.org after that conference
* The dissemination of the "Stop the 9/11 Cover Up" signs to groups nationwide (911visibility)
* David Ray Griffin's earth shaking work
* Professor Steven Jones physics research
* Kevin Ryan’s blowing the whistle on inaccuracies of UL’s report to NIST
* The release of Loose Change, which exploded the movement
* The "Eleventh Day of Every Month" TruthAction.org Campaign
* The release of PatriotsQuestion911.org
* We Are Change’s national television exposure on 9/11 truth issues
* The release of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, ae911truth.org 

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By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent -- A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. (more...)
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