John Kelso, is the Columnist of the Austin American-Statesman, who did a hit piece on country Icon Willie Nelson for Willie's belief that explosives brought down the World Trade Center buildings.
Radio host, Alex Jones, interviewed Kelso and found stunningly that Kelso had no idea that Building 7 in the WTC complex was felled on 9/11, and had NOT been hit by a plane that day. When asked why he felt Nelson was out of line for questioning an official story that Kelso himself obviously never investigated . . . Kelso responds that he just doesn't believe Nelson.
Well, Kelso is entitled to his opinion, but not his own laws of physics. You'd think a journalist would do a modicum of homework before insulting Willie Nelson, for doing what Americans do . . . questioning our government. Real Americans are not goose-stepping zombies. We are thinkers who DO NOT accept everything media and government tell us. Especially when, as in the case of the official 9/11 myth, their disinformation is based on lies that defy the laws of physics.
Kelso, when asked if he was aware of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth's work replied that he was not even aware of their existence, let alone work.
And again, wasn't even aware of WTC 7's mysterious collapse.
This is what passes for media in modern America?
Kelso's rant included this:
Well, I smell something, and after hearing what Willie had to say last week about the Sept. 11 attacks, I figure it must be some pretty good stuff.
Sounds to me like Willie Nelson suspects that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by your U.S. government. That's like believing there's a connection between pouting and Santa Claus not coming to town.
SEE THIS AMAZING INTERVIEW CLIP - AND THEN ASK YOURSELF WHO'S RATIONAL. Willie was articulate, thoughtful, and correct in his 9/11 observations. As you'll hear in the below interview Kelso was painfully ignorant regarding 9/11, as were most media who attacked Willie Nelson for doing his patriotic duty of thinking and questioning:
For more 9/11 truth information and links visit
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