At the base of the American system of government are elections of those individuals who will represent us, and into whose hands we place responsibility for upholding the Constitution and protecting our rights. But when citizens exercise their right to vote without open, honest elections with a secret ballot they run the risk of electing poltroons and fools who will lead us into preemptive wars, eliminate such basic protections as habeas corpus and double jeopardy, destroy our families and children, promote slavery and indentured servitude, use torture and mercenaries whenever they feel it necessary, leave our borders undefended, and take us into crippling debt that will burden our children's children for generations to come.
If those are not the ideals you voted for then obviously you were not voting as instructed on the State's machines. Reeducation will be necessary!
Supposedly standing guard over our elections to prevent election fraud are officials in every county and state who are charged with conducting fair, open, and honest elections with secret ballots so that no citizen is intimidated when they vote. That diffusion of election authority has proven essential as The link to this flash video was removed for security reasons
of anyone who enters their courthouse, and paying for special entrances and separate security guards for those favored of the "government" so they won't have to subject themselves to the invasive scanner. Those, and many other outrageous expenditures for the courthouse have been made despite the lack of any evidence that there is any significant security threat. However, they can't seem to come up with the money to pay for a secure election with secret ballots. Isn't that how police states and dictators operate? Either the commissioners are petty dictators or they are perverts who want the police to view citizens naked.
What's Next
Now that we have been coerced into voting the way we are told to vote, it is a virtual certainty that as the 2008 elections draw near we'll be treated to a series of faux terrorist attacks to frighten the populace into submission. America's version of
Krystalnacht seems foreordained, perhaps with Muslims standing in for Jews this time. The Third Millennium Crusade certainly seems to have begun.
Is it possible we'll even see a staged attack on our county courthouse to justify spending all that money so they can see citizens naked as they go in? The former county assessor has already pointed out that the commissioners "...ignorance is exceeded only by their arrogance." That might well be said of virtually all our current government officials with regard to elections.
Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.
Vote Fraud and Election Issues