Who is really being punished?
First the DNC "punished' Florida & 3 other states for moving their primaries by taking away half their delegates to the National Convention. Now they are 'punishing' Michigan even worse by not allowing any of their delegates to even attend the Convention!
Can you believe the arrogance? The "liberal" party, the "inclusive" party, the "poor peoples party" - acting like spoiled children throwing a tantrum because some of their subordinates exercised a right to think differently. True, moving the primaries was against strict Democratic National Committee policies and rules and consequently became a power struggle between little bosses and big bosses that involved both ego and money. What's new there?
Republicans are doing similar things but there an authoritarian mode is not unexpected.
The sad truth is that it isn't about thinking, or improving, or changing the world we live in. It is about absolute partisanship. It is about presenting a united front and doing what is best for the party, not necessarily what is best for American voters. 5 States equals 10% of the U.S. States. Half the delegates (plus one whole state) equals about 6% of the U.S. Democrats not being represented in our choices for a Democratic Presidential candidate.
The delegates are the representation of the their State party voters. Who the hell is any National committee to take away their half the votes from any State to the convention deciding the peoples choice for a Presidential candidate? Each of these missing votes represents a group of Americans - the punishment has targeted them rather than simply the group of 'leaders' whose uncompromising actions resulted in this travesty.
If they treat their own State party voters this way, why on earth would anybody believe "their' candidate gives any kind of a damn how the public is treated? Autocratic rule by 'kingmakers' is not the American way and both parties have gone this route.
Unfortunately, docile voters have swallowed the propaganda that any party outside of the two 'big boys' is a 'fringe' group with all that that implies - just like the meme that anybody outside of the religious right is somehow incomplete or impure. Anybody voting outside of the two major parties has to face the argument that they are 'throwing away their vote' and contributing to the loss of the major candidate by encouraging 'spoilers'.
What would the Constitution Say?
Political parties are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, which defines a nonpartisan system in which votes are cast for individuals, not parties. We should be voting for the person who most represents our wishes, hopes and dreams for our own lives and the life of the nation - not for the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is still evil, folks! It's only a matter of degree. Vote for the best person, the most representative person, a different view reflecting you. It almost doesn't matter if they win or not but it does matter if they are recognized as growing in power which is the only thing the big boys understand.
Fill the Congress and the Senate with a vast rainbow of idealistic differences. Make everybody have to look over their shoulder when they try to sneak something across - in laws, in earmarks, in behavior and find somebody watching, recording and putting a bright light on their actions. You say then that Congress will never get anything done except fighting among themselves? What is happening now and regardless of which of the majors is in power?
Congress has forgotten its purpose, its power and its base. It is time to clean house! Vote in a mix of ideologies so that no one has a majority to stifle new thought. Let's make all of Congress -House and Senate - be forced to return to compromise, negotiation and the concept of shared power. It will take decades or longer to repair the damage that has been done to this country, this beacon of hope for all. We are living on the edge of a dark age based on fear - and our leaders always reminding us of who to fear - always laying the blame on one group or another. For crying out loud, what does it take for people to see that in a place where the richest 1% own 95% of the economy that every action & plan by their sycophants is for their own purposes and by their own design!
If it is going to be all about money and power anyway, then let's spread the wealth around. Let's elect representatives of the Greens, the Gay and Lesbians, the Libertarians, the Constitutionalists, Veterans party - oh, heck, here is a link to a list. http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm. Some of them really scare me but I trust in you to sort them out and make a reasonable decision. Nothing says you can't vote for some of each. Won't that shake things up!