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NYC Gym Pundits Frustrated Over Hillary Hate

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Cody Lyon
Message Cody Lyon

Politics was flowing from mouths faster than the sweat from brows at New York City's Crunch Gym on Lafayette this past Wednesday as a group of amateur pundits gathered within the downtown house of body worship engaging in more chit and chat than arms on curls.

Background beats from Madonna and Justin Timberlake's "4 Minutes to save the world" kept heads bobbin while the pundits voiced frustration over continued calls by Democrats and media bullhorns to kick "their girl" off the playing field in the race for the White House this season.  

As he sat and strained with a tortured look on his face pushing down a tricep machine, one of them began his diatribe.

"I just don't get it, she's like that girl in school with the real big glasses who knows everything, you just can't trip her up, no matter how hard you try... of course I want her as my President," he said of Hillary.

But his friend shot back with a sarcastic tone, "that's not what they want at CNN" as he glanced over at the TV screens airing the nightly punditry from the Cable giant.

"They (the media) are blowing so much smoke up the Obama campaign's bottom it's pretty obvious they so want him to win"  he said, standing, hands on hips, scoping the happy hour crowd that frequents the East Village institution on this busier than usual night.

Yet another chimed in "I want someone who is going to kick some butt" and "she's really the only one that I think will do that, forget this coming together with Republicans crap.

"Obviously, there was some anger in this gym pundit's tone that night, and it wasn't because he had been interrupted. Politics seems to be the one excuse an instigator of conversation can use these days when interrupting Downtown Manhattan gym routines. 

Later, while pedaling and reading the "Village Voice" on a stationary bike, really fast, as if he was actually trying to outrun the police or a mad lover another pundit was interrupted.

"What are you reading that liberal rag for" the instigator said jokingly to the reader pundit on his way to no place.

"Can you believe this cover" he said.

On the cover of the alt press king is a cartoon image of Hillary Clinton, looking less than flattering, as cartoonists often draw politicians, with bandages on her face and all swollen.

"It's about MSNBC for God's sake so why so cruel," he said.

"MSNBC hates her" the biker/reader concluded saying that despite the art-work, the "Voice" article written by Wayne Barret, was an excellent indictment of the shrill antics at the NBC cable network.

But then, as if on cue, the instigator of the gym pundits allowed his mind to distract into deeper reality, a reality that inspired his own private rage at the way politics in America is conducted today, the way the issues get reported, the frustration with an epidemic of disconnect that some party officials and outspoken elites often appear to embellish when it comes to the best, most productive ways government can and should affect change in everyday lives.

Why do we not openly discuss the legacies of racism in America and instead focus on shrill, offensive but essentially true words uttered or preached by public figures and ministers? Why readers and viewers hear more about a 'most dangerous cities' list as if entire American cities were somehow places we should not go?  Why do we not see or hear about the thousands of mothers who shed millions of tears for sons or daughters that have been gunned down on our own streets?  Why have we not spoken of the unjust and still racist ways we fund our public schools, a system that perpetuates a festering culture of poverty and an un-prepared workforce?    

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Cody Lyon is an Alabama native who is a freelance writer in New York City.
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