The impeachment movement is uniting and expanding. We're joining with many other organizations to launch Impeach07, a coordinated series of actions aimed at impeaching Bush and Cheney through widespread public protest, creative dissent, media activism, education, and lobbying:
Bush and Cheney have misled this nation into an aggressive war, spied in open violation of the law, and sanctioned the use of torture -- among numerous other offenses. Newsweek reported in October that a majority of Americans favor impeachment, and in January that 58% said they wished the Bush administration were over. "Only a great popular upheaval," Howard Zinn said recently, "can push both Republicans and Democrats into compliance with the national will."
We need to end one war and prevent another, and impeachment is the way we will do it.
On March 17, the anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, Impeach07 will mobilize for a
march on the Pentagon to demand peace and impeachment. Go here to get involved:
On March 18-20, Impeach07 will organize
local events for peace and impeachment around the country:
Impeach07 is also planning:
"Make Hip Hop, Not War" bus tour promoting peace and impeachment on March 19 - April 21:
boycott of major corporations that are profiting from the Bush administration's policies, making a killing off of killing, on April 15- 22:
And a
nationwide day of protest: Impeachment Day, April 28, 2007:
Initial participating organizations represent hundreds of thousands of antiwar, military family, peace, youth and women activists and lawyers. They include: After Downing Street, Backbone Campaign, Center for Constitutional Rights, Citizens Impeachment Commission, CODE PINK Women for Peace, Constitution Summer, Consumers for Peace,, Democracy Rising, Gold Star Families for Peace, Green Party of the United States, Hip Hop Caucus, Impeach the President,, Military Free Zone, National Lawyers Guild, Patriotic Response to Renegade Government, Progressive Democrats of America, Independent Progressive Politics Network, Velvet Revolution, and World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime.
Organizations that want to join should write to