As an advocate for clergy sex abuse victims, their families and those who protect them as mandated reporters, there is no doubt I have read some sick and twisted logic and propaganda since the clergy sex abuse crisis erupted in 2002.
Most have read articles accusing victims of clergy sex abuse crimes, their families and attorneys of greed and fraud. Yet, very seldom did the media point out that attorneys representing clergy sex abuse victims were the only voice in a court of law available to sex abuse victims. In fact, it was the Church's "LegalExperts" that aided, abetted and enabled sex crimes and the cover up of sex crimes for decades, without accountability.
A recent article published by Dr. Judith Reisman, "Sue the Sexperts", published at, on August 20, 2007, takes the award for the most twisted legal theory revealed by the media thus far. Some thoughts...
"LegalExperts" representing religious institutions have financially profited for decades because they used legal, political, government, religious and personal influences, to advise Bishops and religious leaders that sex abuse crimes committed by employees under their supervision, were protected by guaranteed laws governing separation of church and state/freedom of religion. Since when did any guaranteed law or freedom allow for any type of sex abuse?
Dr. Reisman recommends in her article that the Church should sue the clinics where the priests and psychologists were trained by stating medical malpractice. She states that legal precedent is one approach that immediately comes to her mind and states that "Sexperts" held themselves out as authorities; bishops and vocations directors listened and commonly followed their directives. CONGRATS to the "LegalExperts" for:
* Escaping legal malpractice negligence based on twisted interpretations of separation of church and state and freedom of religion, by directing the blame to the medical profession, the "Sexperts," as described in Dr. Reisman's article, "Sue the Sexperts."
* Collecting billions of dollars in income for legal advice directing religious institutions NOT to report sex crimes committed against children and vulnerable adults, directly to law enforcement for investigation and prosecution in a court of law.
* Continuing advising Bishops and religious institutions about how to escape criminal or civil accountability in a court of law, despite ongoing religious, political, financial, government or personal conflicts of interest.
* Enabling, aiding and abetting hundreds of thousands of sex crimes committed against innocent children and vulnerable adults, for decades.
To Government Leaders and Medical Professionals:
Please stop the "LegalExperts" from destroying the guaranteed freedoms to be safe from sex crimes, legal abuse, failures to protect and any type of abuse of the medical profession's liability insurance coverage.
Without justice there will never be peace. Without peace, faith and our country's laws are empty.