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Democrats: Weak and Spineless

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Timothy Gatto
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Compromise is at the forefront of every bill that goes through Congress, until we have a bill that nobody asked for, and nobody wants. This "non-binding resolution" concerning the "surge" is a good example. The finished proposal does more harm that no proposal at all. It doesn't go over our citizenry's heads that it gives this administration's war legitimacy by claiming that we will not stop funding if he would stop this "surge". This is a most irresponsible resolution, put up by dim-witted legislators. Americans did not ask you to fund this war if they would stop this surge. We asked you to stop this war and also to stop the funding. Is this something that Congress can not understand? Compromise in this case is blatant surrender.

What is our recourse? We have none. We have two political parties that have hijacked our government an the name of "Democracy". Congress would be hard-pressed to go out on the streets of this nation, and even in a state that is predominantly right wing Christian like South Carolina, find two citizens in a row that support this war. The end of this war has already come in the minds of the majority of our citizens. Why we need to stay in Iraq for one more day needs to be explained to us.

I don't speak for all Americans. However I do speak for Americans that I meet in my day to day life, and for the last month, I am happy to report, I have not met one person that wants to continue this war in Iraq. For myself, I never thought it was right to invade another nation that had not attacked us. What gives you people in Congress the right to ignore the people that put you into Congress? How can you ignore what every poll taken has told you? We do not want our military in Iraq any longer! It has been told to you in Congress over and over again.

This is not just Bush's war. It is Clinton's war. It is Kerry's war. It is Edwards war. It is every Senator's war that voted for the Use of Force against Iraq! That includes you also Ms. Pelosi. It is your war also. All of the newcomers in Congress must understand that if you follow the lead of the people there that have seniority, you will eventually be looking for another position along with the people that get voted out of office in the next election. You really don't have the time to get "accustomed" to your new jobs. You were voted into Congress to stop this war and that is what you must do.

The American people are not going to stand still much longer. Now it is the Democrats that are starting to provoke the ire of the voters. We promised the Democrats that we would "hold your feet to the fire" and now it is time to start taking off your shoes. I for one will not ever support a Democrat again until I see you start something to end this war instead of acting like sheep. You politicians are starting to make me nauseous. I will vote for the Green Party and do my best to see that the Democratic Party along with the Republican Party never holds office again. I realize that it won't happen overnight, but it will happen as long as our elected officials act like the old 1933 Reichstag. Where are your principles? You can't even pass a minimum wage hike without cutting taxes for the wealthy. I am ashamed that I supported you people in the last election. You have done yourselves no honor, you have only proved that you are weak and spineless. Weak and spineless, just as the Neocons said you were.
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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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