Our story helped the eBay auction of Marble's video of his Cheney confrontation climb above $1,900 at one point, although that site has had some problems staying up with the Republican-leaning owners of eBay objecting to even bleeped-out profanity.
I think it's a bunch of BS - I did some searches on eBay of profanity they allow that is not even partially bleeped out and found more than 1,250 items on there with the word "b*tch," more than 400 items on there with the word "bastard," more than 60 "go to hell" phrases and even two "goddamned son of a b*tch" items.
Yet, they say they won't even allow "f***." That's fu****. If you want to complain to an eBay bigwig, email meg@ebay.com.
Those who want to donate through paypal to Marble can do so at https:/www.paypal.com. If you don't have a paypal account, you can sign up for a free account there and then hit the "send money" button. Fill out the form with Marble's email address - clone9@yahoo.com - and the amount you want to donate, and send it on.
Then let us know how much you donated by emailing OpEd News Publisher Rob Kall at rob@futurehealth.org so we can keep a tally.
If you don't want to open a paypal account and would rather send funds through the mail, you can write the check to Ben Marble, and send it to: OpEdNews.com, 211 N. Sycamore St., Newtown, PA 18940. Rob will forward the money to Marble.
Marble also has an Internet site with photographs of some damage in his town at http://www.hurricanekatrinasucked.com. His bands can be checked out at http://www.myspace.com/yoon and http://www.myspace.com/odro.
In an email to me, Marble said he appreciated all the emails and donations he has received so far. He is also considering auctioning off some of his paintings.
In his time of great need, after what Marble did to "echo" Cheney's "go f*ck yourself" words back to him and raise awareness about the harmful policies and slow response of the Bush administration towards Katrina, we need to do all we can to help people like Marble. Another article about Ben Marble Get to Know Ben Marble, an Interview with the Guy Who Told Dick Cheney to Go Fuc* Himself.