Where are America’s Defenders?
Let me see if I have this straight; America began as a group of citizens of a handful of sovereign states, and was based on the Rule of Law, of which our Constitution was Supreme. Today, what do we see? We have, across the country, the military... Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and National Guard, we have Governors and other State representatives, we have Police officers and Sheriffs and Deputies, all whom took an oath to defend our country and Constitution, and we have a population of 300 million people... so the question is, "Who is defending the Constitution and our freedoms here at home?"
We have a government that has been violating the Constitution regularly since 1913, with its most egregious violations occurring in this past 8 year Bush regime. We have a military industrial complex... a conglomerate of bedfellows supporting unconstitutional wars and profiteering, and now torture and other violations of the Geneva Convention.
We have Police and Sheriff departments violating civil rights and constitutional protections daily, and they don’t even understand they are doing it. We have courts supporting unlawful taxes, unlawful Due Process and procedural violations, and supporting State interests above citizens, on a daily basis, and profiting nicely from it. We have a population that knows or remembers little to nothing about the Constitution or the Rule of Law, and because of this, don’t even realize their loss of freedoms and rights. The saying goes, "If you don’t know what your rights are, you have none."
So once again, the question to ask is, "Who is defending the Constitution?" Who is really upholding their Oath of Office as an elected official? Is it Congress? The President? Governors? The military? Who is standing up to say, "This is Enough?" If no one is making any payments toward freedom and Constitutional support, how will they survive? Can a piece of paper defend itself? No. The Constitution only presents our rights on paper, and reminds us of what they are, but it does not secure these rights nor can it act independently against attacks against these rights and protect them FOR us.
If no one will defend our Constitution and the Rule of Law, how can we survive as a free people? How can we even know what our rights are if we have lost contact with the Constitution, and our schools do not teach these rights, or the law? How can a free people remain free when they allow their rights and laws to be abused, revised, allowed to decay away or fall into disuse? How can financial stability be preserved when we ignore financial laws and what real, Constitutional money is, and accept the inflation tax, and the slow devaluation of our wealth as it disappears into the coffers of wealthy banking families?
How can we defend ourselves when States outlaw firearms in various places, or groups fight to create "gun control" laws contrary to the Second Amendment? Are THEY defending our rights and the Constitution? How can the IRS still exist when EVERYONE hates it, and when it is unconstitutionally being applied today, and even contrary to its own code? Is the IRS defending your rights and the Constitution? How about the Department of Justice, which illegally defends the IRS and places people in jail for obeying the Constitution, and defends many other illegal and unconstitutional actions of government? Is justice being served here? Is freedom being preserved by the Department of Justice?
How about our courts, including the Supreme Court? Are they defending the Constitution when they refuse to hear a Constitutional issue brought up that would clearly show the lawlessness in this country and government? Do they protect and defend our rights? How can we hold the government accountable when it will not provide answers guaranteed by the Constitution, and the allied higher courts even tells us in a recent court ruling that the government doesn’t have to answer the People when they question it? Who’s in charge here?
How can we have a population of Americans who are excited about presidential candidates who are traitors to the Constitution and their oath of office as their records clearly show? Is that what people really want? Do we elect traitors and criminals to feel better about our own corruption or weaknesses?
How can we have over 70% of Americans claiming to be against the unconstitutional war in Iraq, and yet have John McCain supposedly winning the Republican nomination... when he states that even 100 more years in Iraq is acceptable? That’s insane. How can both be true?
How do we hope to survive when the corporate-owned mainstream media tells us lies, distorts the news, black lists and suppresses news of people like Ron Paul and his Constitutional position, or suppresses events that are critical to our national survival, and we lap it up and mindlessly believe every word they say? Is the media fighting for our Constitution? Are THEY defending our freedoms and personal rights?
Worst of all... how can an ignorant, apathetic people remain free and not end up complete slaves? They cannot and will not, and we are finding THAT out more and more by the day. "Real Americans do NOT allow their government to run amok," as one source states it. So, how many "real Americans" do we have left in this country who have not sold their birthrights down the river, and who are willing to defend freedom and the Constitution? Who we vote for and support will have a major impact on where we go from here. They are either for the Constitution, and for us, or they are against the Constitution, and therefore, against us. Does this matter to anyone anymore?
So, what is the answer to all this illegal and unconstitutional activity and the apathy allowing it? Here’s what I think needs to happen short of a second violent revolution that would disrupt this country and its functioning, but might be necessary later on: If there are ANY of our people in uniform left... the military... the Department of Defense, that take their oath seriously, that love this country and freedom, then they need to take some simple steps to address the criminal and subversive elements at work in this government.
I recommend an immediate securing of the government offices and agencies in Washington, and, as national security threats and traitors, the arrest of the President, VP, and cabinet, most of Congress, the Judges of the Supreme Court, and all those accomplices to the obvious high crimes and misdemeanors against our country and people that have taken place, for later trials, based on their record.
I recommend at the same time that all the major media corporations be secured as well, that the executives and others be arrested for treason and subversion of the news, as national security threats and traitors, and that all regular mindless TV broadcasting be suspended for at least 2-4 weeks, and that the truth of what is happening in this country be immediately aired openly and truthfully so all Americans can learn of the threats we face. This will include all the evidence of government crimes related to 911, OK City, Waco, the Iraq war, (all to be independently investigated by experts from around the world) and much more, and the evidence of news manipulation and suppression, all be presented, as is, for the American people to come to an educated decision on these issues.
I recommend televised public trials be immediately set for all America to participate in, and that all responsible parties be given their day in court to defend themselves against the available evidence, if they can, and then punishment to be instituted without delay. Immediate steps are taken to replace these traitors in government through emergency elections, paper ballots, one vote per person nationwide, taken from all the respective State representatives or others to be identified, and whom will serve till regular elections can once again be implemented.
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