I am a recovering angry Muslim...and I want you to read The Shell Game, a novel by Jewish author Steve Alten. While The Shell Game is a good read, it does not paint an especially flattering picture of Muslims. Why, then, am I urging everyone to join the Week of Truth April 16th-23rd and buy at least two copies of the book? Because the success of Alten's book might cure my anger problem by helping the American people face the facts of 9/11.
Like more than a billion other Muslims, I am furious that my people were framed on 9/11 for a crime committed by our enemies—the worst crime in American history, the bloodiest false-flag attack in the history of the world, and by far the worst blood libel ever perpetrated, anywhere, against anyone.
9/11 was used as an excuse to burn the US Constitution and launch genocidal wars against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the reason US soldiers videotaped each other sodomizing Iraqi children in front of their parents, as reported by Seymour Hersh. It was the reason US soldiers continue to rape Iraqi women and murder innocent Iraqis just for the hell of it in streets, markets and mosques. It was the reason the US built a worldwide torture gulag. It allowed Sharon to raze much of the West Bank and Gaza. And it was the trigger for a vicious propaganda war against Islam.
The world's 1.5 billion Muslims are not very happy with Americans, and especially Jewish Americans, right now. 9/11 truth offers a way of atonement and reconciliation. If a novel by a Jewish American were to kick open the door to public exposure of 9/11 truth, I guarantee you that we Muslims would have our prejudices about America and American Jews thrown for a loop. Our dismal views of who really rules America, and how, would have to be re-thought. We would regain our admiration for American democracy. To the extent that 9/11 truth was uncovered by Jews, we would suddenly feel a wave of goodwill toward a group we too often demonize.
As a co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, I salute Steve Alten for his courage, and urge everyone to join the Shell Game buy-in. Please vist http://www.weekoftruth.org