THE REAL headline to this story should read:
State Dept released 911 suspects at the request of targets of the FBI's investigation.State Dept released 911 suspects at the request of targets of the FBI's investigation - as revealed by Sibel Edmonds.
And why did THAT happen? To cover up "state secrets" showing how the US, the Saudis, Isreal and Pakistan were all involved in further nuclear proliferation.
Finally, at long last, we are hearing Sibel Edmonds speaking her TRUTH.
Long awaited, a Rupert Murdoch-owned UK daily, the Times, has printed an astonishingly long piece, front page, on what her long gagged information actually IS. To make a very long and detailed story into an executive summary:
Sibel Edmonds was an FBI translator who came to know that Pakistan's Dr. AQ Khan had set up a very nasty black market in nuclear weapons. She was aghast at the lax (and troubling) method of hiring translators who were not just transcriping tapes, but also at the way these translators were, or were NOT hired. It lead to her being able to see how evidence of an impending attack on the United States, specifically on a large office complex in the US would be attacked by airplane s was being ignored and the evidence of that being covered up. The story on what was happening has been covered on BBC's panorama and can be viewed here. I recommend starting your viewing at the 4:40 minute mark. A brief written article about this Panorama special can be viewed here.
Edmonds also claims that "moles," mainly PhD students, received assistance from a "high-ranking State Department official" who gave them security clearance to work in "sensitive nuclear research facilities."
Further, Sibel worked on translating tapes of those who were queried and investigated AFTER 9/11 .. she was able to identify, This led her to look very closely at the role of Pakistan, Israel and the Saudis in terms of control of the Middle East with the specific cooperation of the US Department of State. While today's Times' article does not specify Mark Grossman, No. 3 in the State Department, this is already widely known to be the man who handled the transactions and the flight from the US of the 9/11 hijackers.
We are at last being given a bone to chew on. The establisment is letting us have our "SECRETS EXPOSED" meme for 2008. But there is an inherent danger: because this one covers some VERY IMPORTANT ground - nuclear arms proliferation, government coverup and lack of transparency, 9/11 truth, reprisals towards those who don't "toe" the government line during any administration involved . we are apt to lose sight of something very important. IMPEACHMENT.
Sibel Edmonds is a US Whistleblower, BUT her story has not been told in the US press and that my friends, is why I am writing this to sound a warning to you all -- dont' get suckered, keep working for impeachment and the removal of Nancy Pelosi, who knows this story backwards and forwards, as PELOSI was on the intelligence committee that has buried it!! So has Henry Waxman, who said he was for hearings, but now as Chairman does nothing to see that they happen. Are they blackmailed?
Impeachment is the ONLY way to find out. The rest of the world is not going to be amused to read the whole story of the US assisting nuclear proliferation whilst NOT follwing the Geneva accords .. and as I am constantly pointing out, IF the US does not follow these agreements, it is legally permissable for another nation to attack the United States - and that includes with nuclear materials.
With impeachment proceedings, we could have subpoenas with TEETH, since nothing else has worked to expose how all these George HW BuZh players were just waiting in the wings to occupy their new positions when Dubya came into power!! Cyncial? You bet. These guys are truly evil, more evil than anything our normal minds can imagine.
Wide dissemination of this story needs to be a first priority, not because it is sensational and stunning (which it most definitely is and worthy of any great espionage novelist) - but because this will definitely show how nuclear proliferation is one of the greatest war crimes that has been going on .. and paid for with the taxpayer's DIME, to boot. Possible avenues for LEANING ON THE US MEDIA include, at this point, appeals to Keith Olbermann, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Amy Goodman has already done some fine work on US officials making money engaged in the NEXT generation of US Politico nuclear energy profiteers engaged in the Presidential race, but this might not give us truth seekers wide enough coverage to get the entire nation to see what has happened and what is at stake if the truth is not told in its entirety.
It is time to get on your phones and ask your representatives WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO, I mean actually DO, to have, finally, Congressional hearings on this important revelation?? Henry Waxman has stalled and stalled on this issue - it's time to "get heavy" with CONgress on this. We are talking TREASON here . plain and simple.
Obviously as the US seems to be preparing to send troops to Pakistan (US special ops going in is already in the news) .. the fact that we allowed them to be armed with nukes is of high interest in today's news market place. This actually goes all the way back to REAGAN, and is reflected in the Solarz Amendment .. so more criminal act are hinted at.
POINT: This is a huge, Byzantine plot that is totally bipartisan and getting appropriate help in the US Congress is not going to be an easy job .. Just look at the coverup over Barksdale and our own (US) mess in handling nukes and then transfer all that happened into a Pakistani context. [As a sidenote, at Fargo, they STILL don't have enough regulations in place to pass an inspection which has been postponed indefinitely ...) It would seem that the lack of oversight that Sibel has pointed out left a hole that lead to the ISI stranglehold in Pakistan, which many contend lead to the death of Benazir Bhutto. Whatever your feelings about Benazir are, and I have plenty myself, she was ASSASSINATED over this coverup ...
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