I am getting exasperated with some of the articles on the Internet framing the potential attack on Iran as if it is already a fait accompli, compounded by the endless comments about how horrible another war will be, about how doomed we all are. It is one thing to warn about a danger, it is another thing to develop a morbid fascination with it. We know that another war in the Middle East will be grotesque, that its justification will rest, like the war on Iraq was, on sand mounds of lies, fabrications and half-truths. The trick is to stop it from happening.
Thus, there are two options for dealing with this threat. 1) We can continue to wring our hands and accept it as a work of Fate like a ghostly Greek chorus, which only greases the wheels of devastation for the warmongers, or 2) We can realize that we are not helpless, hopeless onlookers in a cruel and alien universe, but a universe overseen by oneness and love, and thus set our collective intention that we are not going to let this evil transpire, that we are going to stop this crime in its tracks!
In Tai Chi, as well as in other martial arts and spiritual disciplines, I am sure, they teach that energy follows mind, so that by setting your intention, your creative energy will follow, helping to manifest your intention. So if we sit around all day mentally projecting a war with Iran, painting grim mental pictures of it in our heads, then we are helping to create this scenario with our own energies, in effect helping Dick Cheney and George Bush manifest their intention. How self-defeating! Our negative mindsets thus become an exercise in masochism.
On the other hand, if we visualize peace and reconciliation with Iran, then we are helping to manifest a totally different reality with our energies. This is a challenge to all the talented writers and authors at OpEdNews right now, as well as to all of the other progressive websites out there that read this. Use your powers of the word and your influence creatively to stop this potential attack and war with Iran and create the opposite, a peaceful solution.
I have set my intention. Please set yours. Only then will your energies come into focused play. But how do we realize our intentions once we set them? As with all problem-solving, the solutions will begin to reveal themselves as we apply ourselves, whether it is by contacting Congressmen or women, writing a letter to the editor, speaking out at an event or protesting in front of the White House, so have faith in yourselves and the universe. Let your intuition be the guide.
Likely the best bet for writers is to simply redouble our efforts to get the truth out loudly, broadly and repeatedly. Remember that you don't have to change the minds of everyone in the country, you just have to reach the classic tipping point. What is America's tipping point?
And how many of you, for example, already have the ear of a publisher or news editor, or someone in government, whether in this country or even overseas? What if one phone call or message were to set your intention into motion, or becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back? Then take that step, and have the persistence to follow through to the end.
The world is not the Bush Cabal's pearl, to be played with at their whim. We are the world, and we each have a say in it.
I am a student of history, religion, exoteric and esoteric, the Humanities in general and a tempered advocate for the ultimate manifestation of peace, justice and the unity of humankind through self-realization and mutual respect, although I am not (