Rosie O’Donnell is an American hero. Just when things are at their lowest for our country, a woman steps up and puts her livelihood and reputation on the line simply to speak the truth. Rosie has been widely despised by conservatives of all stripes for quite some time, but, “the times, they are a changin’”. While the government shills on Fox, CNN and MSNBC attack Ms. O’Donnell for daring to tell the truth to her 30 million viewers, real conservatives such as Alex Jones and the ever growing, enlightened activists in the patriot and truth movements now have a new spokesperson to support.
In the past, Rosie’s stance on gun control and her sexual persuasion, have put her at odds with conservatives. They loved to hate her. Not anymore. While neocon hacks like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough and Glen Beck will attack her mercilessly for simply asking questions about the new ‘Gulf of Tonkin’, staged by the US/UK in order to provide the rationale for their predetermined attack on Iran, real conservatives and patriots will thank her and support her brave disclosure. She may well have opened a can of worms that could quell this disasterous and idiotic escalation. She may well have provided the public disclosure necessary to stop an attack by the criminals controlling our armed forces that would lead to WW3. This is no exaggeration.
In addition, she stepped way out onto the edge to point out that WTC 7 is the first steel framed building in history to collapse to dust due to fire. By asking the questions that cannot be asked, she is opening her audience up to truth that they will find nowhere else in the propaganda machine known as US television and radio. What does a paid liar like Hannity do? He calls her names and demands that she be taken off the air. Does he address the fact that the Gulf of Tonkin is now openly admitted to have been a staged event? Does he present evidence to counter the fact that steel framed buildings do not collapse to dust because of fire? No, he pretends to be a patriot and he pretends to care about the victims of 9/11 as an excuse to yell ‘shut up, you’re fat’.
It’s not going to work. 84% of Americans question the official version of events of 9/11. The shills of Fox, CNN and MSNBC are starting to look more and more desperate as their viewership shrinks and ‘The View’ picks up steam. Real Americans are turning to, the Genesis Communications Network (radio) and OpEd News for their sources of real news. As David Gregory dances with the cretin, Karl Rove, at the Correspondent’s dinner as if we’re not occupying two countries illegally and on the verge of using tactical nukes against a third, the people of America are being forced to wake up and face the truth.
Do the research and support the hero, Rosie O’Donnell.
According to this poll, only 16% of Americans believe the government’s version in its entirety. 84% of Americans question the official version. patriots who question 9/11"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." – Mark Twain