Results wildly different from polls Paul votes not counted in NH district Update on above article—31 votes reported as 0 in one town—this happened all over the state, I assure you NH Polling Fiasco—No, I’m sure the polls were pretty close, it was the election that was a fiasco ABC.
John Silvestro and his small private business, LHS Associates, has the exclusive programming contracts for all New Hampshire voting machines. This accounts for 81 percent of the vote.
Silvestro IS the entire chain of custody for New Hampshire. All Diebold machines are easily hackable, un-recountable and unverifiable. There is NO WAY to verify these results.
In the coming days more comparisons will be made between the actual, coutable votes cast (paper) and the electronic magic show votes. Paul votes are completely missing from at least one district. A Zogby poll before the vote, had Edwards at 17%--guess what, Edwards got 17%. And yet, that very same poll had Obama winning by double digits and guess what—he lost by 3%. The paper votes still had Obama winning, but the machines picked Hillary.
It’s a miracle, it’s the most incredible comeback in electoral history. No, it’s called election fraud and Obama simply conceded, just like John Kerry in 2004. These results require you to believe that the entire swing came from Obama voters, who changed their minds in the booth and decided to vote for Hillary instead.
There are reports of Obama and Paul poll watchers being harrassed and removed from polling locations.
I hate to be right about this and I hate to be right about the fact that I stated in one of my first Issues that the power elites are going to give us a choice between Hillary or McCain. It seemed impossible just two weeks ago and yet—here we are again looking at CFR Neocon McCain and CFR/Bilderberg Neocon Hillary.
Please check these two websites and get involved if you can, in any way that you can. Our elections are a complete sham and the mainstream media will blame it on faulty polls and move on with the coronation of the queen. They are cheating, we know it, we’re logging it down. But we need citizens to step up. We cannot accept rigged elections. If we do, it is the end of our country. carries more articles than any other single site on voting integrity. There are over 15,000 articles on voting integrity posted at