"(The) Deep, Deep Breath" that William Rivers Ritt wrote so beautifully about has given all of us who clearly see this eminent threat from within our own government marvelous new life in our opposition to this grave assault upon our great nation.
I am as thrilled as the next patriot activist about the results of the November 7th elections, but here is a strong dose of reality: Laws have been enacted that have destroyed nearly all of our Constitutional protections and have given the President nearly unlimited authority.
As the bloodthirsty teeth of these neocon traitors are wrenched from the leg of power, there is a very strong chance that they may snarl and snap viciously at those of us who would like to see their infestation into the seats of power in our government come to an early demise.
As much as I want you all to thoroughly enjoy your holidays and wish you a happy return to "normal" life, I hope that none of you are dropping your guard or easing up in your commitment to see justice served to those that would do our country such great harm. Without justice, there can never be lasting peace - nor a lasting guarantee that we will continue to be safe from the tyrannical "bullet" we just dodged.
Watch your backs, and help us watch the backs of those doing the courageous work of bringing these impostors posing as public servants to justice.
The following is from Our Long National Nightmare Has Just Begun: Like Cornered Rats, GOP Losers More Dangerous Than Ever by Ted Rall | Nov 9 2006:
"Now the dark men who engineered America's post-9/11 police state have watched the public reject their policies. The incoming Democratic majority Congress will be able to hold hearings and launch investigations that could lead to their indictments and removal from office. John Dingell, the liberal incoming chairman of the Commerce Committee did nothing to dissuade GOP fears of "a blizzard of subpoenas": "As the Lord High Executioner said in 'The Mikado,'" Dingell recently joked, "I have a little list."
A year of crisis commences.
As ugly secrets surface, Bushists will turn desperate. Democracy has failed their grand schemes; token resignations like Rumsfeld's come too little, too late. Only tyranny can save their skins. Will the beleaguered neocons led by Cheney and Bush, cornered like rats, unleash their brand-new police state on their political opponents? Or will they tough it out and suck up the fines and prison sentences to come? The next year or two could go either way.
The nightmare is not over."
Indeed, as these "cornered rats" scramble to avoid the disinfectant light of truth shining into the festering bowels in which they slither, we precariously hang just one real, imagined or feigned "act of terror" away from plunging headlong into the abyss of an authoritarian, tyrannical coast-to-coast crackdown. That "Deep, Deep Breath" could be crushed out of all of us very, very quickly.
The laws are already in place.
"The Decider" still has one finger on the button, with nine fingers still left with which to accuse any who dare oppose him. Now he has the legal authority to have them "disappeared" - even U.S. Citizens. Really. Your letter writing neighbor. Your peace protesting daughter. Your husband who has vigorously researched 9/11 Truth.
Those that we have been told to believe planned 9/11 are still at large - that trail abandoned on the road to greater profits in Iraq. Those that financed 9/11 have never been pursued. Those that profited from prior knowledge of 9/11 have also been granted a free pass. Those that prearranged for exercises to keep our Air Force out of range and then "stood down" to allow 9/11 to take place still occupy the Executive Branch of our government. Those that have steadfastly resisted every effort to uncover the real truth of what happened to us on 9/11 have more than two years left to strategize and strike as public and political pressure builds on them to "come clean" with every new incriminating piece of evidence that emerges.
And you wonder why the new Democratic majority in Congress is stepping very gingerly? Over the past few decades liberals and progressives have been steadily dying in curious plane crashes, assassinated in highly suspect shootings, have been mailed military grade anthrax, forced to hold Congressional Hearings in dank basements, have had the homes of their children raided, been called traitors and told by tyrants that they were "either with us or with the terrorists".
Watch your backs.
Watch their backs.
When the neocons were peripheral figures in Washington D.C. they were known as "The Crazies" according to former Chief CIA Analyst Ray McGovern (seen in photograph with author) who directly advised Presidents Kennedy through Papa Bush in the White House. Take a look at what has happened to Liberals and Progressives, Whistle Blowers and outspoken Democrats in the ascent to power by "the Crazies". What might they attempt as they are removed?
Do not let down your guard.