"WMD! WMD! Saddam has WMD!" When no WMD were found, the boy president said: "Regime change"evil dictator." But he was pulling the wool over the eyes of the public so they couldn't see that he was just trying to get reelected. And he wanted oil.
"Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong!"
George W. Bush is the boy who cried, "Wolf! Wolf!" George W. Bush is the boy president who cried out even though there was no threat from Iraq. George W. Bush is the boy who cried out and spent every bit of his political capital. And now there's nothing left. But there is a whole lot wrong.
"Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong!"
"But Iran does have WMD. Okay, I knew Saddam didn't but, believe me, Iran does and is poised to use them"mushroom cloud, mushroom cloud""
"Nobody believes a liar--
Only 20 percent of Americans polled strongly approve of the boy who cried, "Wolf!"
Sixty percent disapprove of the boy president's handling of Iraq.
The boy who cried, "Wolf," is now saying diplomacy, but this has always been a problem for him.
"Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong!"
The boy who cried, "Axis of evil," is responsible for a world of problems. His aggressive language fueled Iran's renewed interest in developing nuclear weapons. The boy president's loss of credibility poses a danger in and of itself.
We must all sing a frightened song because there is really something wrong.
These are the worst of times because the boy president cried, "Wolf."
These are the worst of times because the boy president is the wolf.