"As to the future, I rule nothing in or nothing out,” George Bush said to reporters after he’d commuted the prison sentence of Dick Cheney’s Mini-Me, Lewis “Scooter” Libby. Why is anyone surprised? By now, we should all have outrage fatigue.
King George, he is and if you don’t believe it, just ask him.
On July 4th, His Majesty spoke to members of the National Guard and their families: “If we were to quit Iraq before the job is done, the terrorists we are fighting would not declare victory and lay down their arms. They would follow us here, home.” Why do members of the mainstream media fail to challenge this with the truth—that if American fingerprints weren’t all over the Middle East, few people would want to harm us? And if the king really believes that we’re at risk, why doesn’t he secure the kingdom? But the big question is: why does the king still have a kingdom? Is it because he has no regard for the serfs and, in fact, seizes every opportunity to beat them into submission?
Especially, among the military, why does the king still have a kingdom? On Independence Day, he reigned as usual—with scare tactics about the threat al-Qaeda poses and with comparisons to the Revolutionary War and the illegal one he started. A woman in the audience, the mother of a soldier who is serving in Iraq, said she loves George Bush because he gets the job done. I’m wondering what job she’s talking about. His most successful endeavors have been to inspire terrorism and to nurture the scorn of the world by invading Iraq as well as “Mission Accomplished,” meaning endless war for US imperialism. “Your service is needed,” Bush decreed to two guardsmen who were injured in Iraq but have reenlisted. “We need for people to volunteer to defend America,” he continued.
Why doesn’t the king say, “I command you to serve?” After all, George Bush said about his pardoning of Scooter, “In the future, I rule nothing in or nothing out.” He really meant, “I rule.” Period.
What we need is for people to volunteer to defend America—against King George. Now.