While most Americans sit back, generally accepting the idea that there are bigger problems than our food quality, the rest of the world fights. For the last ten years Americans have been fed genetically modified foods that are untested, unregulated and all discussion has been banned from American media. The privatization of the world's food supply and a shift to the petrochemical companies control goes unnoticed in America despite rates of allergies and illness soaring out of control.
Even as I type it is frustrating to know that the readers anxious to hear about another revelation of abuse will probably skip the article and go buy a latte to drink while thinking of the world's "real" problems. Any suggestion that they may be swallowing an herbicide laced soy or genetically engineered hormone milk will be shrugged off as an extremist claims because everyone knows that as broken as Congress is, there's no way they would allow toxic food to become a dietary staple. Guess again.
While the rest of the world fights and talks of policies like the Iraq CPA Order 81 which is transforming the war torn agriculture to corporate revenue for Monsanto, ignorant Americans support the toxic policy by putting Round Up Ready soy into their grocery carts and tolerate a media that will not whisper a word about the food supply.
For all who don't believe its an issue there's a little wake up call. The activists opposing the genetically modified, toxic varieties are being tracked by the corporate government machine, better than the CIA tracks terrorists and they've been caught red handed.
Even those of you who read alternate media the subject of gmo foods is something of a rare topic. Certainly few if any have heard of me of the upcoming documentary film focusing on the health impacts. As part of a global network of gmo activists it's a situation that we have come to expect but among the earliest visitors to the website, arriving within minutes of one another were the big guns behind the policy.
My hope is that by seeing who is watching me, maybe a few of you will understand that keeping the topic of genetically engineered foods a National Secret is part of the toxic policy that has turned us into the sickest population in the history of the planet. Maybe by recognizing that what seems like a non-issue to you is a high value target, a few more will look into the subject and ask what are we swallowing.
It's a huge subject and our website contains a lot of links and resources to help you come up the curve after a decade in the dark. You can shrug it off as an act of self promotion or you can look at who's looking at me and ask why is this nobody generating this attention? Our website is www.roundupreadynation.com and here are the visitors who arrived within days of launch. If it's worth their attention maybe, just maybe some of you who focus on the abuses and threats to freedom will look to see why they care.
Domain Name llnl.gov ? (United States Government)
IP Address 128.115.27.# (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory)
ISP Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : California
City : Livermore
Lat/Long : 37.5038, -121.5253
Domain Name dow.com ? (Commercial)
IP Address 204.136.242.# (The Dow Chemical Company)
ISP The Dow Chemical Company
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Michigan
City : Midland
Lat/Long : 43.6129, -84.1971
Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 164.144.240.# (Monsanto)
ISP Monsanto
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Missouri
City : Saint Louis
Lat/Long : 38.6383, -90.4271
Domain Name transedge.com ? (Commercial)
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Maryland
City : Silver Spring
Lat/Long : 39.0409, -77.0445
What are they looking for? All arrived within minutes of one another on December 22 along with an assortment of Washington D.C., Wilmington and St. Louis commercial servers in what is normally traffic dominated by foreign visitors. Welcome to America.