Spend, George, spend. Ignore the costs. Don't even think of what could have been done with the money wasted on an unnecessary and unjustified war that even your daddy advised against.
Who cares about the 44,294,348 children who could have attended a year of Head Start?
Don't even worry about the 200,252,949 children who could have been insured for a year or the 3,011,160 housing units which could have been paid for with the money used to invade Iraq under false pretenses.
Don't worry about the record deficit. Disregard the over 600, 000 civilian deaths happening at the rate of around 16, 000 a month.
Pay no attention to the CIA's leaked intelligence report that the war is only turning out more terrorists.
Ignore that 60% of Americans want us out of Iraq. Give no consideration to 70% of Iraqis wanting us out within a year. Take no notice of 60% of Iraqis now thinking attacks against Americans are now necessary.
Listen to no one who tells you that keeping the course is suicidal. All that matters is George winning, no matter what.
"Even if he loses, his friends say, he doesn't lose. He'll just change the score, or change the rules, or make his opponent play until he can beat him." Thus wrote Gail Sheehy of Bush in The Accidental Candidate.
"If it fit his needs, he couldn't lose." So said Doug Hannah, a childhood friend of George W. Bush.
Louis "Bo" Polk Jr., former chairman of MGM, said that if Bush lost a point playing tennis then young George would say, "Play that one over,' or 'I wasn't quite ready." Hannah added that "If you were playing basketball and you were playing to 11 and he was down, you went to 15. If he wasn't winning, he would quit. He would just walk off. . . . It's what we called Bush Effort: If I don't like the game, I take my ball and go home. Very few people can get away with that." But George W. could because he "was just too easygoing and too pleasant."
No longer is that going to be the case, George. Playing a good old boy just isn't going to cut it any longer. You trying to outdo daddy has already cost way too many lives. We have had enough of watching our national deficit grow at a record rate while watching your buddies' war profiteering grow at record rates.
We are tired of you not listening to anything you don't want to hear. You have been too long surrounded by "yes men." Now we are about to surround you with a new Congress full of members who are going to call you on the carpet for that long talk your daddy obviously never had with you. George, your time is up and we aren't beating around the bush anymore.
Richard can be heard frequently live on the Bob Kincaid Radio Show (7-10 pm EST) on Head-on Radio