In the coming months, as the Democrat-led congress moves forward, dealing with the war, unemployment, health care, medicare drugs, immigration (ignoring flag burning, gay marriage, and other BS the republicans wasted whole sessions on) they will also be convening hearings. The Democrats will force the release of reports that the Republicans held back from the public. They will begin to shed line on the dark recesses that the Republicans hid.
The truth will see the light of day.
Once the dirty truth comes out-- that Bush was a criminal and constitutional violator in SO many ways, the 31% rating for Bush that we see today will look huge. The American public will demand that something be done. They will insist upon the rescue of the constitution.
I believe that there will be more network anchors who, emboldened by the tough talk of first and foremost, Keith Olbermann, but also Jack Cafferty and Lou Dobbs. These gutsy media spokesman will rally the American people to demand that the perpetrators face justice, that the abuses to the constitution and the bill of rights be righted (or, with the current climate, "lefted.")
The Republican party will be faced with a disastrous 2008 election and they will have little choice but to cut the damage-- the slowly, but strongly growing media storm of outrage over the crimes and abuses of Bush, Cheney and their worst appointees, particularly Gonzalez.
The Republicans will be forced to take a walk to the white House-- at least 15 or 16 of them-- and they will tell Bush and Cheney, that they have to resign, because the Republican party will be obliterated if they don't clean up their own mess. And Bush and Cheney are their mess.
It will be oh so delicious to see the day that Bush and Cheney resign because the Republicans told them to. Either that, or the Dems will take an additional 50 house seats and 15-20 MORE senate seats in 2008. At that point, the two party system could be replaced by new parties.
It is a certainty, the Republicans will not allow that to happen. The senators will go to Bush and Cheney and tell them they have to resign-- and fast.
This won't happen overnight, but it won't take too long. There are already a few Republicans who have expressed reservations. Expect the ones who will be facing elections in 2008 to be under more pressure to get on board, and the few remaining moderates remaining on the Republican side of the aisle.
Don't expect every Democrat to get on board. Joe, the red, Lieberman might hold out just to annoy the Dems, or to hold out for a deal of his own. Seriously though, that is VERY unlikely, with his constituent base.
Eventually though, Bush will get a visit. Almost certainly, it will be a real, actual visit, from a big enough group of Republicans to make it clear to George and Dick that they really do have a choice-- face impeachment or resign.
Of course, when Bush gets the visit from the Republicans, he will drag James Baker from wherever he is, to negotiate a deal. Cheney will pull out his shotgun and shoot at them, probably at a more moderate one, like Arlen Spector or Olympia Snowe who will surely be amongst the resignation demand team.
The Dems will be straining at the leash to take any offer. That will be a mistake. Bush and Cheney do NOT deserve to get off with just resigning. They must plead guilty to crimes. They must do at least some time-- so they lose their right to vote. They must, as part of their "deal" agree to never speak in public, to not give speeches, to give all claims to all monies in any bank accounts they did not have upon entering office. They should pay fines consisting of all their assets. They should be put in house arrest-- on Bush's remote ranch. Government security agents should be supplied to keep all visitors out except family, and to keep Bush and Cheney in. Okay-- Cheney can do house arrest in some ranch in Wyoming.
There are those who would imprison these criminals for life, and those who believe they deserve execution as mass murderers. The US should also allow the world court to try them, with Rumsfeld, Gonzalez, Tommy Franks, and a number of the generals who allowed or even observed torture and other war crimes. The US owes the world access to the criminals who got out of control. We need to clear our Karma. Allowing justice to take its course-- true justice, not the perverted, despicable thing that Gonzalez, Yoo and company perpetrated upon this nation and this planet.
On the other side, James Baker and Bush's few remaining friends will negotiate on behalf of Bush. Some of my wish list of sentencing elements will fall. I hope not many. They are designed to prevent Bush or Cheney from contining to do damage or to benefit from their crimes.
The American people will see the light and they will make at least most of these things come to pass. And it will be sweet to see Bush and Cheney and friends do the perp walks they so richly deserve.