But there is good news. More and more of the extremists on the religious far right are waking up.
There are some people who wake up very painfully. They blink alot. They roll over in bed, grimacing, scrunching up, pulling the covers back over them. They momentarily open their eyes, not yet adjusted to the light and then squeeze them closed again. They try to go back to sleep. Sometimes they DO go back to sleep. Sometimes, they alarm clock, the noise around them, the demands of the day-- whatever-- add up to a wake up ultimatum. They can't go back to sleep and so they must struggle to reach a full waking state, stretching groaning, dragging themselves upright, trudging to the bathroom, eyes barely open, jaw slack.
And this is going on politically for millions of Americans. They are finally, finally smelling the coffee, hearing the wake-up alarms, reacting to the blinding light that has been in their faces for the past few years.
Bush's support among conservatives has plummetted in the last month-- the month since the Republicans-- the right wing enablers of Bush and his war-- were dramatically booted from office. During that month, the bipartisan Iraq Study Report (ISR) was released, which further confirmed the disastrous situation Bush's leadership has produced in Iraq.
Those right wing supporters of Bush are rubbing their eyes and not only stirring in their sleep, they are jumping out of bed, wide awake, realizing they have been sleeping with an ugly, disgusting truly horrible creature, which they thought was truly beautiful.
Comedian David Brenner describes a man who goes to bed drunk, with a woman. He wakes up and sees she is so ugly, he gnaws his arm off, rather than waking her.
Many conservative Americans are waking up, all of a sudden, realizing that they too, have been in bed with a very ugly beast.
I don't think the Republican party realizes yet, how bad things are for them, with Bush Cheney spending two more years in the Whitehouse.
It is so bad, that I would not be surprised to see Bush and Cheney leaving office very, very soon. Almost certainly, they will try to get out without being impeached or charged with offenses. They may try to negotiate their way ou. But even that is unlikely. My guess is that Cheney will go first, using a health excuse. With the health excuse, it will not be easy for him to do any negotiating. He may ask Bush to pardon him though.
Then it will be Bush's turn. Dubya is becoming more and more isolated.
As the Iraq situation inevitably worsens, as gas prices continue to rise, as the housing crash continues to produce reverberations throughout the economy, the remaining Republicans will be faced with a choice. They will stick with supporting Bush and his policies... or decide they want to keep their jobs. If those who are running for office in 2008 decide they want to keep their jobs, they will have to vote against Bush.
If the Dems are smart, and they routinely fail to give me confidence they are, they will draft legislation again and again that frames votes so they either support Bush or oppose him. This was a strategy that the Republicans used to try get Democrats to paint themselves as against the troops, against the institution of marriage, against the flag.... The same game can be played by the other side.
We are seeing a great awakening here in the US. It's no great win for the Democrats. They're still on probation, and Harry Reid's latest weak response to the Iraq "surge" idea is not a good sign. Meanwhile, Bush's remaining loyalists are dwindling. They are waking up, seeing Bush/Cheney and their enablers, finally, without the mask of delusion they've perceived them with in the past. They are shocked, disgusted, reviled and they are dumping Bush.
Many of the new "wake ups" have no great love for the Democrats. That's a piece of good news for the Republicans. It is likely that a new breed of Republican will emerge, or possibly even a right-leaning new party. It is likely that more and more people will go the way of Libertarianism.
The jury is still out on the Democratic party. They benefitted from the public's dissatisfaction with the Iraq war. It is anything but clear whether they will take the steps necessary to show the voters that they heard. It won't be enough to just deal with the minimum wage or social security.
The Dems, to win the commitment of the people who dumped the Republicans, and those people are mostly independents and moderates, must deal solidly and strongly with Iraq. THey must take a tough stand on the constitution. That means going after Bush on his spying on citizens, his torture of prisoners and his termination of Habeus corpus.
The reason the Dems will have to deal with this is that DEMOCRATS are waking up too. They are not going to settle for the right wing centrist bullshit that DLC sellouts have been pushing. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had better wake up too. Maybe they have. Maybe they are just biding their time, acting very strategically. We're in a time, for the next few weeks, when it will be hard to tell.
All this waking up is a good thing. One thing is sure. When you wake up, if you're an adult, you clean up, get ready and get to work, diving into the day. America could use a whole lot of that right now.
The pollsters have been avoiding asking the most interesting question. Put up a generic Democrat and a Generic Republican in the 2008 Presidential election and who will people vote for. I mentioned this in my newsletter, and one reader reported she heard a report that the numbers are 53% to 28%.