The fact is, Democrats DO have plans, the right wingers just don't like them and disagree with them, so it's easier and sounds better to lie and say that the Dems don't have a plan at all.
Now Bush and his echo chamber is lying again, saying the Dems and the no longer in lockstep Republicans who have finally begun to realize that loyalty to Bush is bad for the USA, bad for their party and bad for their future election chances also do not have a plan. Bush repeatedly says, "If they don't like our idea, let them suggest a plan for victory."
Victory? When you are in the middle of a football field piled 12 feet deep with excrement, the goal is to get the team out of the sh*t. There is no victory. There is a disgusting, awful slog to get out and then a time of cleaning up, recovering, getting the stench out and healing the team's trauma. Then we can go see about cleaning up the field, which is already a disaster.
Victory? It is defined as defeat of an opponent, success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle, or, the state of having triumphed.
Victory? When you make one of the biggest military misjudgments in modern history, and that is based on lies and fraud and deceptions, and then you fire all the advisors who give you honest, good advice, and that produces a horribly disastrous mess-- there is no victory. The true opponent is the source of lies, fraud, misjudgment... The obstacles are ones created by the leader who started this disaster, and triumph, can be no more than extrication from the massive field of excrement.
When you torture innocent people and allow your soldiers to rape and murder civilians, when you allow crony corporations to steal billions from the government you are supposed to be protecting and taking care of-- when you create the ideal, dream training ground for recruiting new terrorists-- there is no victory. You are the one who has filled that football field with excrement. Your supporters are the ones who have enabled you to keep churning out so much excrement that it is enough to FILL a football field.
When you make decisions that allow torture and create a military environment that makes soldiers feel it's okay to kill and rape, where you flat out lie and then attack innocent espionage agents, destroying their cover to hide your own lies and incompetence, then you start looking like a criminal, very likely a war criminal. What is the victory for a war criminal? To get away with the crime? What will a war criminal do to evade prosecution and punishment?
What will a liar do to evade being caught in his lies? Destroy the evidence? Murder or pay off the witnesses? Is that the victory we are being sold?
A majority of the members of congress have a plan to end the lies, to end the actions that were started based on deceptions and lies and massive bad judgments. That is a beginning. Face the truth. Cut losses. Stop digging a deeper hole. Stop the deluded talk about victory. Take victory off the table. There is no victory when you clean up after liars, fools and criminals. There is sadness, regret, much work, effort to minimize further damage and suffering. And this is what we can expect, not just for Iraq, but for post Bush/Cheney USA and post Bush/Cheney/Blair planet earth. These lying, idiot criminals have done unbelievably massive damage for which there is no victory plan, only cleanup and palliation of suffering and further damages.
When Bush talks of Victory, the temptation might be to laugh. But the damage is already too great. Any laugh must be full of contempt and must be followed by some reality-bringing statement or question that makes it clear we all know that there is no victory, no honor. That was tossed away with the truth when Colin Powell lied to the UN, when Bush and COndi and Rumsfeld lied, as Cheney continues to lie.
The Pyhrric victory is a victory in a battle that is so costly it loses the war.
A Bush "victory" may go down in history as a promise of victory used to secure power, money, weapons... that was never possible, never attainable. I hope history also ends up reporting that it also involves courageous leaders who do the hard, dirty work of facing the truth and cleaning up the mess of the idiots and criminals who comprised the fools army for the Bush victory.
The only victory America can hope for is to end the Bush Cheney control of the Iraq war, to end Bush's ravaging and destruction of America and her resources. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." In this case, that means Bush and his remaining Republican enablers.