If you're a person who is interested in politics, like me, then you might be scratching your head. I don't know anyone who is progressive, or a democratic activist who supports Hillary for president.
But earlier this week, a poll came out that showed that Hillary is the first choice of women, by a big margin. Our own polling has shown that more women lean democratic-- 60-40 women to men. Next, we see reports that the National Organization for Women-- N.O.W.-- will be endorsing Hillary.
I guess we can't blame them. It's the first time in history that there's a chance for a woman to be elected president. That's one choice... not two or three or four. It's sad that more women are not putting their hats in the ring. So, we on the left are faced with a dilemma-- women, who are usually among the strongest progressive supporters, are bailing on progressive issues so they can grab the opportunity to vote for a woman, even if she is conservative, even if she supported the war, even if she is WAY too friendly with corporate interests.
I know. Oprah is backing Obama. I don't think Obama can beat Hillary. The gender factor is too big. I think Oprah CAN beat Hillary and bat in a double-- first woman and first African American president. I wouldn't be surprised if the Republican candidate doesn't end up being Fred Thompson. That would be incredible-- you have this hard-ass, tough talking right wing actor running against a fabulously successful, woman who has built a corporate empire by showing compassion, manifesting Christian act after Christian act of charity and kindness. Talk about a slam dunk.
It is time for a woman to win the presidency. There should be more than one in the primary. So far, we have a bunch of people from congress on the Dem side and a senator a mayor and a governor on the republican side. Leadership for this nation is bigger than any of those jobs. It's about being able to make the right choice and hire the right people, and about setting a vision, mission, spirit and culture.
We need someone that we can trust, respect, who has a life history of integrity, success at making good things happen and deep strength and competence when facing adversity. Elizabeth Edwards manifests some of those characteristics.
We need someone far, far from the beltway, a woman-- a strong woman-- who will help to save the nation and the planet. Hillary is pretty far from that idea. It's too bad, she could have been so much better than she's become. I blame it on her-- and the people she's chosen to take her advice from-- DLC republicrats. Dante described heaven, hell and purgatory. A Bush presidency is pure hell. A Hillary presidency wouldn't be hell, but it wouldn't be heaven either. Purgatory is for souls who were not really bad and not really good-- a holding place for those who failed to commit either way. America deserves better.