I took a look at Eckhart Tolle's book,, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose that Oprah is doing this huge web training process on. Over half a million people are taking the course on line at the same time. That's huge.
Tolle says we need to wake up, to live and function, without ego, in the present. This is a leap in consciousness. He says it is not about the future--- never about the future. The future is a state of mind that keeps us from the present. The art of taking the evolutionary leap to higher consciousness is to stay in the present. We need to function honestly, from the heart, with integrity, in the present.
Just imagine if politicians did that-- doing the right thing, not anticipating how that would affect their election chances. Impeachment and hearings come to mind. Taking care of the weakest and most vulnerable people and part of nature... What a difference a change in attitude would make.
This is consciousness politics. I spoke, last week, with author Andrew Harvey, a bit, about "spiritual activism."
The ways of thinking about leadership are changing, as Steve Denning writes about in his headlined article today, The Uniter vs The Divider. Our stories are changing. We've always lived our lives within the parameters of the stories we tell about who we are, the culture we live in, our communities. All it takes is for us to do some editing-- to re-write some aspects of our stories, to move the energy from ego and I to more of a "we" to a state of mind that works with the heart, with the whole. When I say whole, I mean a way of seeing the world, the community that considers the way we are connected to the whole.
Now, there are those on the right who will reflexively call this socialism. Then again, many on the right are going to see this approach as a direct threat to their anti-tax parasitism. They will see a way of mind that considers the effects of one upon the rest as antithetical to a freemarket, king of the jungle Freidmanesque anything goes, no rules capitalism.
I think we have begun to wake up. We have started the consciousness evolution process. Oprah's exercise with Tolle is one way to wake up a whole lot of people who are ready to take the next step. I think there are whole lot of progressives who have been, while furious at the criminal trespasses of the Bush administration, also moved very close to the ideas discussed here. We can start NOW being here, living here, connecting to the whole. It can be part of the process we undergo as we engage in battle with those on the right It's a battle for the future. Except... we don't have to see it as a battle. We can see it as a process of waking people up. There will be moments when we face, and have in our faces right wingers who are terrifying, horrified and angered by the idea of letting go of ego, of selfish me, me, me-ism. They may not be comfortable, but the way to handle them is with love, with the ability to stay in the present, to hold the intentions that are important to you.
It may seem easier to allow anger to arise. But maybe you'll also find that there is another small voice in you, that, as you encourage it, as you give it more trust, will make it gradually more easy for you to remain calm. to face anger and intense nastiness with equanimity, with love and patience. Frankly, this will probably irritate the "provaqateur" far more than your usual pissing match.
You do this kind of work-- this evolutionary waking up one moment at a time. You fall down, fall backward, lose ground, gain ground, blink your eyes and wake up some more, for more of the time. And you keep moving forward. We can do this. We are doing this. Thinking about it a bit more, resolving to make it happen, to help it happen, that's something we can do today. Thats the decision to cross the threshold. That's the beginning. That's the here and now. That's what it will take to change the world.
Yes, this is vague talk. Waking up, being in the present is not something easily polled or quantitatively measured. No precision guided consciousness. But it is very real, very palpable and the effect on the future of the human race, if enough people start walking this path will be profound.
I'd like to see political writing begin to explore seeing the world, seeing politics and politicians and issues through this kind of lense. It is possible. You start by establishing, within your heart, the intention.