Most who read RFK Jr.'s Rolling Stone article no doubt think to themselves, "With over 200 citations of hard evidence the national press corps, local news outlets in Ohio or at least Howard Dean and the Democratic Party will surely take notice and run with the story. Wrong!
As of mid-day today not a major-market newspaper website, not a national news media website, not a local Ohio news website have so-much-as-a glimmer of recognition of RFK Jr.'s investigative report.
Nothing has changed! If it happened in 2004, it will happen again in 2006 and 2008 unless each of us get involved at a grass roots level.
Next, just registering to vote and then casting your ballot is not enough! Go find your local county elections office and volunteer to be a poll worker in November. I guarantee they need the help and it's a great way to both server your country and watchdog for irregularities at your polling place. If democrats and independents are standing side by side with their republican fellow citizens at every polling place there is less opportunity for irregularities to occur. If you do witness any irregularities you can immediately challenge the practice and if necessary blow the whistle with your local newspaper and political party affiliation office.
If you can't sign on as a poll worker then contact your local political party affiliation office to organize poll watcher details at every polling place. Again, if you witness irregularities you can immediately challenge the practice and blow the whistle.
Good citizenship requires more than just a passive act of voting! You must also actively serve your country - your democracy - in some way. That's just another way of saying, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Get involved with democracy today - volunteer today - organize today - November is just around the corner.