The amount of investigation needing to be done to ferret out the truth of this, the most corrupt administration the United States of America has ever experienced, can be overwhelming. We, the public are sick of it. Not because we believe the newly empowered democratic congress is scandal hungry, investigation mad or that democrats just hate Bush for no reason. No, we are sick at the unbelievable amount of corruption, unprecedented secretiveness, politicization, lying manipulation, destruction of freedoms, distain for the constitution, arrogance and just plain gross incompetence exhibited by the neocon and theocratic hijackers of our country.
We the people feel that we have been slimed and we have been. We look to our newly elected democratic congress to clean it off of us. But, is it more than mere mortals can do to begin to scrape the piles of dirty, green, gooey stuff from the body politic? I would not be surprised if it was part of the Rove plan to create so much grimy corruption that we give up the battle against it in frustration and resign ourselves to wearing our slime coats as a result of “politics as usual” or perhaps as protection against terrorism.
You know, terrorism, that thing we are supposed to be fighting over there so we don’t have to fight it over here? The thing we are constantly being admonished to fear!!! That thing that is hiding in the minds of our neighbors and countrymen and women, in the nefarious alien faces of Arabs and Muslims AND in the plots and plans of Americans who dare to disagree with; protest against, march in opposition to the policies of our glorious leader; those who belong to subversive organizations such as the ACLU, the Sierra Club, the NAACP, PFLAG, The National Teachers Association, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans against the War, Veteran Intelligence Professionals Against the War and in the growing legions of military and civilian whistle blowers who every day write opeds and make public statements about the incompetence of the Bush Administration and the appalling politicization of all of the branches of our government that has been the hallmark of this administration.
Recent polls tell us that 23% of the people still drink the Rove-flavored Kool Aid and believe the empty, robotic, fantasy-based talking points and utterly ridiculous rantings of our sweating, rapidly blinking and stuttering Commander –in-Chief and hang on every repeated lie of our arrogant, aloof Vice Commander-in-Chief. This 23% believes in the war, the slaughter and maiming of innocents, the insane constant redeployment of physically and mentally drained reservists to a hell-hole of blood and bombs of sectarian violence caused by a criminal and unnecessary, astronomically costly and disastrous war that is destroying our military, our faith in our goodness and that has no possibility of a propitious outcome. The delusional should not be allowed the power to guide national policy. To that end we are compelled by patriotism to impeach those who are empowered by and who empower the delusional.
I for one wish to be slime free and to feel clean again.