For god’s sake!!! The depth of a damn lapel pin is as deep as the ability of the twenty-first century lamestream media’s ability to understand the world goes???!!!!
The issue is not to wear or not to wear the little piece of enameled tin which, for George Bush and a raft of other shallow excuses for intelligent public servants, is a substitute for real patriotism or responsible governance.
The critical information issue of modern America is that the laughably incompetent gang of media pundits charged with the responsibility of interpreting serious issues of war and peace and constitutional or unconstitutional government are ranting about the outrageous absence of a pin from the lapel of a presidential candidate or pronouncing the candidacy of said candidate “dead” because he is not wearing the pin. And questioning his patriotism or ability to lead because of it??? I can’t believe a serious newsperson would actually tell Obama to just put the damn pin on.
Think about it America. Does this not smack mindless, cult of national holiness propaganda? Just stick that pin on something and whamo it is Holy American Empire approved! Case closed. Patriot identified. And by god you had better stick it on everything or you are not a real American! Is this what Ben and Thomas and George had in mind in 1776? Wake up people. Grow up. And get real!
How ridiculously childish can these faux journalists get? Don’t answer that question. I don’t want to know.
We desperately need some adults in our news services. We desperately need some adults in government. The situation has gone from satirical to sad to critical. There needs to be a clean sweep of all news services. All of the sprayed and coifed, prancing and ranting media stars need to be sent back to journalism kindergarten and a serious recruiting blitz instituted for men and women with a mental maturity beyond the age of twelve.
The total lack of intellectual depth and the headstrong stubbornness of the petulant children occupying the seats of power in Washington has infected too many levels of our society. They are dangerous beyond measure and cannot be allowed to potty in our playground until 2009. Impeachment is an imperative!