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"Those Who Fund or Harbor Terrorists are as Guilty as the Terrorists Themselves."

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sherry clark
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You may remember this quote George W. Bush from just after the September 11th terrorist attacks. When he said that, I still believed that Osama bin Laden and 19 radical Islamic terrorists were guilty of this great treachery against our “freedoms,” but I am no longer fooled by that lie, and so this quote carries with it a whole new meaning.

Since learning “the rest of the story” about 9-11: that the attack was actually planned and carried out by our own government, I have come to learn other lies as well. The tax system fraud is one of the most despicable of these lies because it has eroded our Republic which was ruled by the people into an oligarchy which is ruled by the elite few. If you have not watched Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism, I strongly recommend it. The unconstitutionality of our tax system made it very tempting for me to refuse to pay my taxes, but it really wasn't enough for me to risk the illegal imprisonment I would likely face as a result of my stand. However, I still arrived at the decision to be a tax resistor because I agree that “Those who fund or harbor terrorists are as guilty as the terrorists themselves.”

For me, this accusation of guilt for anyone funding terrorism pointed squarely upon every citizen who pays their taxes...people like me. It clarified for me, the critical importance for all of us to wage peace at war's pace. The peace movement has always been on the defensive...always reacting to the latest offense of “our" government. However, Napoleon once stated that, “The purely defensive is doomed to defeat.” Fellow peace lovers, that is why we must go on the offensive...we must not loose!

The first step in fighting any enemy is to know who they are. It is clear to me that it is the current regime that we must defend against. Matthew 7:16 says, “you shall know them by their fruit.” The United States Constitution is the United States, and because of this regime's actions against the Constitution, they have revealed themselves as the enemy of the real United States of America...the Constitution.

Just as our elected officials have sworn “to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic,” I see this government as my real enemy, because of their obvious devotion to dismantling our founding document. As a result of this realization, I have decided (yes, I am the decider...and so are you!) that I can not support this government with my tax dollars because as a United States citizen, I must only support those who defend the United States Constitution. If the current government parading around as the United States, with all its resources (that we the People gave it) cannot defend and protect that sacred document and treats it like just “a god-damned piece of paper,” then I, myself will swear to defend the United States Constitution through every peaceful means at my disposal.

Similar to the oath of every public servant, I believe every United States citizen should solemnly swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Therefor, at the suggestion of King George, I do hereby solemnly swear I will never fund or harbor terrorists, as that would make me as guilty as the terrorists themselves. When the 9-11 attacks are investigated by an independent commission and those who are responsible are held accountable, I will again review my decision to resist taxes. Until then, it is clear to me that the current regime pretending to be the United States of America are the terrorists because they do not defend the Constitution, they commit acts of terrorism in illegal occupations, and they even carried out treason against the people of the United States of America as it did on September 11.

Furthermore, I also agree that “We must speak the truth about terror. We must not tolerate any outrageous conspiracy theories about the September 11 terrorist attacks.” The story of 19 radical Islamic terrorists (5 of whom are still alive!) who overtook our multi-trillion dollar “defense” and planned all this from a cave in Afghanistan really is outrageous! Wow, that's a good one, George! You're such a prankster! As a matter of fact, that is so outrageous, it's intolerable!

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Sherry Clark is the founder and publisher of The Liberty Voice. The Liberty Voice is a fiercely independent newspaper (imagine opednews in print!) that has distributed a half million papers freely throughout Central Ohio.
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