Every war is a civil war, and then it spreads from there. The victor in every battle is always the most ruthless, and the final winner of the war is always the most ruthless, too. God does not bless the ruthless; He waits, and takes his own revenge on the unrighteous. Might is not right.
Surprisingly, it is not what men disagree on that is the problem. Rather, it is what they agree on that divides them: Money and Power. Both are created by the government, and both enslave the minds of men. To be free, and to live in dignity, we must think differently. The common good is not self-evident. Fear, pride and greed are regarded as commonsense, and it is what is common that is the problem. People clutch to the old habits of the previous generations like straw.
Anarchus described democracy as a system where the wise speak and the fools decide. It is time for the fools to stop following, to stop leading, to stop blocking the way, and to start thinking. Actions speak louder than words, and errors linger for generations, the same as wisdom.
Lustful warriors, drunken leaders, and proud citizens continue to stone the prophets and the peacemakers. Soldiers and missiles are called peacemakers and pacifists are called troublemakers. Hypocrisy is as self-evident in philanthropy as it is in the honor and awards that the mutually-infatuated give one another. Liberty is a spiritual transformation; it is not something that can be won on a battlefield or carved into stone.
How can someone who is nailed to a cross save the world? He should be helpless and powerless, and yet what he says is more powerful than any miracle: Love your enemy; Love God.
There is a reason why planes fly into banks. Destiny does not make an error, men do. Children reap the seeds that their parents sow. Herodotus was correct: "In peace, sons bury their fathers; in war, fathers bury their sons." May God have mercy on us all.
Peace and prosperity is destroyed through war. There is no winner in war, and more than time and money is lost. The reconstruction that follows destruction is just tomorrow's folly. Win or lose, the ruthless plant a mustard seed of fear, pride and greed.
In the five years that have passed since 9/11 has there been any introspection? Any change? Any re-evaluation of what we regard as "commonsense?" It would appear the the world is getting more stupid with every passing day. The ostriches of 9/10 are now building walls of hypocrisy and fear at the border and everywhere else. The mantra of security is a sign of our insecurity. Democrats, Republicans, Greens and Libertarians are all equally blind. The Press is silent. The Church is silent. The people are silent.
The truth will not be silenced.
Open your wallet. Open your mind. The green paper fascists are telling you a lie. Do you know what it is?
The ruthless only offer a temporary solution, and the payment required is high. Render unto Washington what is Washington's: bloodstained soil. There in only one path to peace and prosperity; all the others are dead-ends and are as bankrupt as our treasury of power and money.