Pelosi has it all wrong if her reason for passing up this necessity is because "we don't get even." Clearly,then, she too has missed her guess, and furthermore that thought requires one to find out what her mindset really is. Clearly she is way off course and is prepared to let salient criminals slither away, as is the republican behavior following any of their historic criminal actions.
This group of crimes however, supersedes any in US history and demands action. The dead will never rest until these perverse miscreants are punished for their crimes. A Goof of a human being, illegitimately placed in the office of POTUS followed by a virtual sellout of the government, such as it was, to US Corporate Giants.
Look at the massive profits these perverse businesses are bringing in! That alone should show people that massive criminal operations are afoot. If the Brits are right, the well over a half million Iraqis are dead, cities destroyed, the country virtually dead.
Billions of US taxpayer dollars stolen by US Companies like Halliburton, CACI, Titan, Blackwater, and Canadian Companies such as Global Risk. There are some 70,000 mercenaries in Iraq, the Bush Cartel will admit to only about 20,000. There is no rebuilding going on, and it will be a long time, if ever that it is.
Keeping US Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to preserve order is a joke. There IS NO order. The number of Iraqi dead every day is in the tens and some days, hundreds. The US, because of a stunning lack of knowledge of the middle eastern culture and Islam have opened a can of beans that is likely to spread.
The countries that border Iraq stated unequivocally as did the Bush administration prior to this galaxian crime that Hussein was "bottled up" and presented no immediate problem. So the Bush Family et al, simply made up problems. All of the people including Americans, died for NOTHING AT ALL.
There has never been a threat to US sovereignty, or safety. All this terrorist garbage was made up by the Bush people and the Republican party in an attempt to foist this new draconian order on the American people and the world.
These same Philistines have enriched themselves and their fat friends many times over. So what are the crimes Pelosi is forgiving? Well murder for one, and mass murder at that. Theft of American Tax Dollars, Invading sovereign countries, lying to congress, lying to the American people, rewriting established laws to allow them to carry on clearly criminal detention of people who been charged with nothing, torture BY ANY DEFINITION, and these are but a few.
The Bush group is falling apart like a house of cards now. Criminal indictments are more common than toilet paper. Rats are leaving this sinking ship in droves and now it's time to address the "captain" and crew of this sinking ship.
The act of impeachment hasn't a thing to do with getting even. It is for the purposes of bring criminals to justice. Or is "American style justice" only for those who can't afford to defend themselves against it? This country CAN stand impeachment proceedings! By god and sonny Jesus we're counting on it!
What is beyond belief is the fact that Pelosi doesn't seem to realize that by law she can't "work" with these criminals. They weren't elected! There IS no legitimate POTUS, and cabinet! Who does Pelosi and here flotsam of Dumbocrats plan to work with? By extending any quarter to these people makes Pelosi and company complicit in the Bush Crimes. With this in mind, i have no doubt the republicans would throw some of their people to wolves in order to turn the impeachment process around on the Democrats for aiding and abetting known felons, and failure to prosecute.
It makes Pelosi a felon, and subject to impeachment herself, and somehow I don't think we've seen the worst republican behavior.