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Whither the Stock Markets . a Response to Paul Klugman.

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Virginia Simson
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Paul Klugman of the New York Times is vastly incorrect. and what is horrifying is that his remarks are wafting about the so-called progressive internet under the auspics of truthout.com.

So here is my tuppence on all that.

We are at the point whereby producing ARMS is the only industry left standing. The war industry is the Cutting Edge.

The reason for the bailout is LIQUIDITY; but liquidity to deliver the vastly expanding new arms production cycle and the new rush to MINING to produce ever more materials to produce ARMAMENTS .. that is why the price of URANIUM is soaring! More nukes, more computer (they call it high tech) generated target systems!! All this started with THATCHER, who killed the entire UK economy under her WAY TOO LONG reign. She was the tool of arms manufacturere and GUN RUNNERS for a very long period of time.

Henry the K was right “in there” then and is right in there NOW (Just came back from Moscow and will soon be in DC this fall pushing the SPP, Security and Prosperity Protocol to CONGress) -- trying to consolidate all the resources of the world for the elite. We are watching (in horror) as the SPP is put into place and ALL of Canada’s and Mexico’s resources are laid at the feet of the US WARMONGERS. No coup d’etat necessary; it is already fait accompli .. these ruling individuals have long known how to bail themselves out.

The war for the Arctic is ON, the nukes are being moved into the Arctic region DAILY.

So’s who telling you this .. certainly not the mainstream, lamestream media . They, the owners of these megoliths, have THEIR dollars riding on more development!! Watch very carefully the ascent of MINING STOCKS .. or miss it if you just care to focus very narrowly on what is happening. The real news is in the mining newsletters these days!!

Below are some quotes from the elites true mouthpiece too, Paul Klugman ... and my responses.

I attended a closed-door briefing given by a senior Federal Reserve official, who laid out the grim state of the markets. “What can we do about it?” asked one participant. “Pray,” replied the Fed official.

See, that is EXACTLY what they would tell YOU to do .. they would not suggest that halting mining activity would be a good idea if we are all to save our skins, and that is what it is down to now. Ho hum. Let's swarm the indigenous for more of their resources .. and get the governments in there protecting Big Business interests. It's worked for 500 years, hasn't it? You won't see any Big Player praying, they're waiting on their next dividend cheques. Profits are bigger than ever.

assured investors that everything would be all right. And the panic subsided.

The panic for WHO? People who want to keep eating and working in SAFETY have plenty to be panicking about. In a few months try to get a job without an ID . and ID provided by employers! but issued by governments. Sound like fascism to YOU?

right now we’re suffering from a serious shortage of saviors. And that’s too bad, because we might need one.

Really? Are we not ALL the messiah now? I mean seriously folks, there are OTHER problems besides Bush’s lack of credibility, his ability to morph into a Yale/Harvard MBA notwithstanding .. it’s the fracturization of all opposition to warmongering that is really the problem. We are forced to “attack” from many, many different fronts .. economic, political, social, physical (everything really is falling apart and Big Pharma and the insurance co.’s race for profits makes real health nearly impossible) .. and getting the Big Picture is nearly impossible.

This $130.2 billion dollar bailout is just something that hinders more people grasping what IS going for a bit longer, but the ruling elite has known for a long time. The last BIG BAILOUT was on 9/12/2000 (ring any bells) when $86 billion was pumped into the economy. Ca$h is pretty easy to print, iffen the presses don’t fall apart while its being printed. The Fed Reserve and the ECB have long known THAT.

liquidity has dried up. That is, markets in stuff that is normally traded all the time - in particular, financial instruments backed by home mortgages - have shut down because there are no buyers.

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Virginia Simson is a blogger - USuncutMN.blogspot.com as well as a blog on the uranium industry and hydraulic fracking at www.lowlevelradiation.blogspot.com which anticipated the Japanese meltdowns. She has a large archive of material on (more...)
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