Time to see it like it is. What's happening now in America isn't politics as usual; it's more like a civil war.
It stopped being politics in the year 2000 when Republican brown shirts stormed the Florida election centers to steal the presidential election.
It stopped being politics when Senator Wellstone's plane crashed so "conveniently" in Minnesota.
It stopped being politics when only high profile Democrats received anthrax in the mail.
It stopped being politics with black box, one party, Diebold "voting machines".
It stopped being politics when the Republicans also stole the year 2004 presidential election (please remember that significant discrepancies between exit polls and tallied results are the international standard for election fraud, and according to that standard, John Kerry is now unequivocally President of the United States).
It stopped being politics when patriotic members of our intelligence corps were exposed to life threatening dangers as acts of petty political revenge (are you listening, Karl?).
It stopped being politics when religious extremists tried to replace our Constitutional Democracy with an arrogant caricature of the loving and compassionate teachings of Jesus Christ.
And it stopped being politics when Presidential State of the Nation lies were used to justify exchanging the blood of thousands our children for Iraqi oil.
Please note that these aren't political events. These are violent, illegal, and desperately immoral acts. We are talking about death and dishonor, treason and revenge, and these aren't political words, they're war words.
Our noble forefathers won their war against a mad King George. Now it's our turn.
Viva America!