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Writing against Tom Delay; Use a strategy the Deaniacs did in the primaries to oust Tom the Sleazoid DeLay

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Rob Kall
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Writing against Tom Delay; Use a strategy the Deaniacs did in the primaries to oust Tom the Sleazoid DeLay

 by Rob Kall


Back during the Democratic presidential primaries, I went to  Dean meet-up, half to support Dean and half to check out the Deaniac phenomenon. We were all give post-cards and an address list of democrats living in New Hampshire, and we were asked to write to the people who could potentially vote in the primaries, explaining why we supported Howard Dean.


This weekend, flying from Dallas to Austin, not knowing the map, I thought maybe we were flying over Sugarland, and had this urge to spit.  It ends up I was wrong, it was another stretch of redneck rural Texas we were flying over that had the cuspidor-response effect on me.


But I did have an idea that still applies. Why not send letters to ALL the people in Tom DeLayÂ's district. Let them know what we think of them and their district for afflicting our nation with the lowest, sleaziest, most dishonest slime-ball (to borrow a George Bush Sr. term.) 


This will take a little bit of organization, but itÂ's very doable.


If every resident of Sugarland gets one or two or three postcards or letters, all telling them how bad an opinion the rest of the country has of Sugarland, or letters asking them why they keep sending such a horrible person to Washington, maybe it will make a difference.


This is a project that will take some volunteers. It will require some organization to host the list of addresses and a programmer who can create a website that will track which addresses people are taking responsibility for mailing to.


If the enough people in DeLayÂ's district get letters and postcards, maybe a percentage of them who have been on the fence will decide that they donÂ't like the effect of Tom Delay on their real estate. Maybe, while weÂ're at it, we should also put up billboards on the main roads in his district.

Here's a sample letter.

Dear ..........

I have to ask how you, as a resident of Tom DeLay's district,  can allow yourself to be represented by the man known as the most corrupt, sleazy dirty politician in the US.  As a patriotic American, it is disturbing to think that thinking, honest citizens can consciously choose to send a man of his despicable qualities to represent them in congress. Please find a better candidate among your community to represent you.

Now.... let's figure out how to get that mailing list, how to organize putting it up on a website and sorting out how to dole out the names so each voter in DeLay's district gets a few snail mail letters.

Rob Kall rob@opednews.com is editor of www.OpEdNews.com You can read more of his articles at Rob Kall Archive  He is also president of Futurehealth, Inc and organizer of the The Futurehealth Meeting on Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, qEEG, Optimal Functioning, Positive Psychology, Transpersonal Integration, Story Summit,  Energy Therapies and Medicine, Inner Revolution and Awakening.



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