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Is "pundint" the new "nukular"?

Bill Wetzel
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Have any of you noticed how often both Sarah Palin and her lesser known running mate John McCain have been saying "pundint" instead of "pundit"?

Now I'm a hick from Montana and I fully confess to saying "nukular" probably more often than I say "nuclear" but this is ridiculous. It seems knowing how to talk has become a lost art these days.

I have come to terms with my own battles with "nukular." But Mercka, I will not stand fer the butcher of the word "Pundit" by all those folks down in Warshington DC.

So yeah, it's "pundit" not "pundint."

Get a brain, moran!

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Bill Wetzel is Amskapi Pikuni aka Blackfeet from Montana. His writing has appeared in the American Indian Culture & Research Journal, Yellow Medicine Review, Studies In Indian Literatures (SAIL), Hinchas de Poesia, Red Ink Magazine, Literary (more...)

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