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The New Master Race

William Finnerty
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Yesterday (i.e. July 8th 2010), and in connection with the Open News Diary Entry for July 4th 2010, I received the following interesting comment by e-mail from a person who, on account of the way things have turned out since 1945, is now (I understand) a deeply disappointed WW2 veteran living out his final years in England:

"We have neither 'Democracy', 'Human Rights' nor the 'Rule of Law'. Instead we have the 'Rule of Law-yers' - a very different thing! They are the new 'Master Race', have seized absolute power, & will destroy anyone they see as a threat to that power - big or little!"

Up to a point, the views expressed in the above comment very accurately reflect my own entirely independent findings, made during the past 12 years or so. However, I would argue that "The New Master Race" really consists of a lethal combination the world's most senior lawyers (in the form of its most senior judges especially), and the world's most senior bankers, who, together are very successfully implementing, enforcing, sustaining, and spreading the "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" principle.

The WW2 veteran's e-mail I received yesterday also contained an attachment containing a number of quotes (referring to lawyers) made by well known people during the past four centuries or so, all of them reflecting very deeply-held concerns regarding the kind of lawyers who have long been giving the legal profession an extremely bad reputation: a trend which appears (to me) to be on the increase at the present time.

Among the quotes in question, were the following:

Samuel Johnson: I hate to speak ill of anyone, but that man is a lawyer

William Shakespeare (Dick the Butcher's advise to Jack Cade during the Rebellion of 1450, from King Henry VI, Part II, (Act IV), Scene 2:
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers


Human Rights Ireland:


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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