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"The most important legal decision ever decided"

William Finnerty
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Text of letter to Bank of Ireland (Omagh) dated July 22nd 2010

To: Kathleen McElduff (Branch Manager)
Bank of Ireland
25 Campsie Road
County Tyrone
Northern Ireland BT79 OAE

July 22nd 2010

Your Reference: Account Number 11535289 (belonging to William Finnerty)

Dear Mrs McElduff,

On June 16th 2010, and as a forerunner to this letter, I copied an e-mail to you that was primarily addressed to Leslie Morgan (Manager at the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency) containing reference to an unexpected visit on Sunday August 31st 2008 which I received at the Greencastle (near Omagh) address I was then living at, from three members of thePSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland), two of them carrying large machine guns.

As a direct result of the August 31st 2008 police visit, I hurriedly left the Greencastle address some hours later, with the intention of returning as soon as I could -- if, that is -- I ever managed to find legal representation and advice of the kind which genuinely recognises and respects the factual existence of the large amount of human rights legislation based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has been produced since the UDHR came into existence in 1948: and which, in so far as I am aware, has never been vacated or rescinded.

As you may already know, and as can easily be verified at
http://www.un.org/en/members/, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been a member of the United Nations since 1945, and Ireland (the Republic of Ireland that is) has been a member since 1955.

In case that for any reason you did not receive the June 16th 2010 e-mail referred to above, a copy of it can be viewed at the following Internet address:

There is also a scanned copy of the "printed and signed" version of the June 16th 2010 e-mail, which I sent through the registered post to Leslie Morgan on the same day, at the following address:

Unfortunately, and despite the several ongoing attempts I have been making since August 31st 2008 (and indeed for several years before that date), I have not so far succeeded in finding the kind of legal representation I need (i.e. the kind which is willing to use human rights legislation in court on my behalf for my protection), and consequently I have never returned to the Greencastle address since September 1st 2008.

More recently, I have been in receipt of a letter dated June 23rd 2010 from Holmes Jackson at the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency, in which it is stated that the issues I raised in my June 16th 2010 letter to Leslie Morgan will be "fully investigated". A scanned copy of the letter in question (from Holmes Jackson) can be viewed at the following address:

Now that a full investigation of the issues I have raised in my June 16th 2010 letter to Leslie Morgan has -- at long last -- been promised to me (in written form) by the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency, I would be grateful if you would have the following three payments from my account stopped with immediate effect please (all three of which are directly associated with my Greencastle address):

1) The NIHE (Northern Ireland Housing Executive) weekly Standing Order payment of 50;

2) The monthly telephone payment to BT GROUP PLC (Direct Debit) for 15:99; and

3) The monthly TV LICENCE MBP (Direct Debit) for 12:12.

I have not asked the Bank of Ireland to stop the above three payments until now, because -- being unableto get legal advice on the matter, and at the same time being unable to have the problem investigated by any well-defined State body up to now -- I did not wish to do anything which could be construed to falsely claim that I left the Greencastle address voluntarily, or that I was lawfully removed from the address because I was failing to pay rent or anything of that nature. In reality, I have always felt that I was unlawfully intimidated out of the Greencastle address (by the PSNI), and out of Northern Ireland as well, at a time when I had no habitable address of my own to go to. Consequently, and in an unavoidably hurried and intrusive way that I have always been most unhappy about, I have had to stay (on an ongoing but "temporary" basis) with a relative in County Galway for almost all of the time since August 31st 2008.

Correctly or otherwise, I further believe that the unwanted PSNI visit I received on Sunday August 31st 2008 was probably in response to a set of e-mails I sent to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Thomas Foster (Omagh and Fermanagh Hospital) and to PSNI Chief Constable Michael Winters (Omagh) in the weeks just before August 31st 2008, which was intended to try and undermine the wrongdoing connected with the way Dr Foster had me thrown out of Omagh and Fermanagh Hospital in December 2004 (without providing me with any treatment for the
C-PTSD injuries I was suffering from at the time), and which included the e-mail at the following address (sent just six days before August 31st 2008):

As can be seen at the Internet address just above, the e-mail in question contained reference to the Rothschild Family (and their centuries old role in what is now often referred to as "the greatest scam in history"), and that some months earlier I had reported the fact that crime was being committed against me by Sky Digital (which has close business links with Lord Jacob Rothschild) to Chief Constable Michael Winters: as can be seen in the copy of the e-mail at:

For several reasons, and assuming it is still the case that none of the money Sky Digital have stolen from me has been returned to my Bank of Ireland account (despite my requests made in 2008 to the PSNI to investigate the criminal piece of theft in question), I continue to be very concerned by the way that they (i.e. Sky Digital) appear to be able to commit crime against me -- blatantly, arrogantly, and with
impunity-- in connection with the 294.32 referred to at the following location:

If the Bank of Ireland have in the meantime recovered any of the 294.32 referred to above on my behalf, or are about to do so, it would be much appreciated if you could please send me written information regarding this issue to the temporary address provided below which I am at present staying at.

Before ending this letter, and with due regard for the present global financial crisis, and the leading role the Rothschild Family continue to play in "the greatest scam in history", I feel it may (in a general sort of way at this point in time) be useful to include the following piece of text, which is a reference by Judge William Drexler relating to a "trial by jury" court case held in December 1968 which was presided over by Judge Martin V. Mahoney, and which is now seen by many as "The most important legal decision ever decided":

"This amounts to an emancipation of this nation from personal, national and State debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every True American owes it to himself/herself, to his or her country, and to the people of the world for that matter, to study this decision very carefully and to understand it, for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery."

I feel I should also point out that within six months or so of this now famous Credit River Decision
, Judge Martin V. Mahoney was dead; and, that like a number of others who have tried to seriously challenge the socially destructive wrongdoing of the global banking cartel, there is reason to believe apparently that he may have been murdered: so that a) the wrongdoing of the global banking cartel could be covered up, and b) that it could continue uninterrupted, as it certainly appears to definitely be doing right up to today, and as evidenced by the fact that the global banking cartel is still creating trillions of Euros (and other currencies) "out of thin air", which it then lends (subject to interest charges) to governments all around the world in a manner which results in the governments in question becoming hopelessly indebted to the global banking cartel, and totally under their anti-democratic, tyrannous, well-hidden, secretive, and surreptitious control.

Among several other very disturbing things, this means that our "elected representatives" (so called) are -- in reality -- nothing more than the very well looked after puppets of the global banking cartel, who fully control them regarding all matters of interest to the global banking cartel: from their well-hidden and virtually all-powerful positions "behind the scenes".

Other better known people who are thought to have suffered a similar fate to Judge
Martin V. Mahoney, in connection with their open and honest efforts to end "the greatest scam in history", include former US President Abraham Lincoln, and former US President John F. Kennedy.

For future reference purposes I will later today place a copy of this e-mail at the following Internet location:

Until further notice, please send all future correspondence connected with my account (including bank statements) to the temporary address provide below.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty. (Web Site:

c/o Finnerty's Shop,
New Inn,
County Galway,
Republic of Ireland.

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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