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2008 Elections (2403) 2008 Election Presidential (1257) 2008 Election Presidential Primary (994) Barack Obama (720) Presidential Primary Elections (362) 2008 Presidential Debates (339) 2008 Election Congressional (244) Diebold (234) 2008 Democratic Natl Conv (205) 2008 Republican Natl Conv (180) President Campaign (155) Voter Rolls Purged (139) Vice Presidential Candidate (105) 2008 Election Congressional Primary (103) John Edwards (103) Humorous (74) McCain And Hagee (72) Michelle (72) 2008 Election Local (67) 2008 Election Local Primary (60) Youth Vote (53) Naive (49) 2008 The Election Which May Never Happen (40) Cindy Sheehan Congress (38) Activist Base (26) Party Platform DNC (22) Straight Talker (18) Gonzalez-matt (17) Bluewashing (13) Elizabeth Kucinich (13) 2008 Record Voter Stats (11) New Yorker Obama Cover (9) Evan Bayh (4) Father Jay Scott Newman (2) Joe Schriner (2) Malik Rahim (1)

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