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Writing about Conspiracy Theories? Here are some criteria for making or reporting claims

This policy statement was created by a team effort of the senior editorial team, working closely together and an earlier version was sent to all editors. We're trying to raise the quality of OEN content. That doesn't mean we can't be hard-hitting. It does mean that we support our claims with evidence and documentation. 


Thanks for all you do,

rob kall 


Several articles have been approved from the queue recently that linked to a You Tube video by one Dr. xxxx and, based solely on this one dubious source, claimed that the CDC conspired with Novavax pharmaceuticals to engineer and release the H1N1 virus. No other sources were cited.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. At least two reputable, independent sources would be required, and preferably three or more.


A single Youtube video with a talking head stating an opinion without citing any sources is just that: a single source, and is only as credible as the person making the statement.  Youtube videos that actually show images of evidence are far more substantive and the images can speak for themselves.


We welcome investigative journalism, so if any editors or writers want to pursue a controversial story, they need to find reputable sources they can cite, which would include PubMed published articles, government or university sources, interviews with leading experts, or major news outlets and Youtube videos which actually show video evidence. It is always of great interest and adds credibility to your writing to interview leading experts on their responses to the issue or news you are covering.


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