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OpEd News Groups for "Political"

Bucks for Progress: Progressive activists in Bucks County
Number of Group Members: 3

WeDemocrats: WeDemocrats.org combines grassroot advocacy by its members through various political activities, including (but not limited to) voter registration drives with netroots activism and community outreach, and to involve young people in the political process.
Number of Group Members: 20

TotalTruthSciences: Exposing the Real News that is covered up by the Elite owned news media.
Number of Group Members: 82

Voice For Peace: The Voice For Peace originated from Bajaur Agency, Tribal Areas situated on Pak-Afghan has been working for peace in the world.
Number of Group Members: 9

Thee American Party, All for one, one for all, united we sta: All Americans united for a common goal. To bring back the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American way or, dream.
Number of Group Members: 28

News Junkies: For news junkies who just can't get enough.... political news.
Number of Group Members: 56

Barack Obama Supporters: People who support and or are interested in Barack Obama
Number of Group Members: 29

John Edwards Supporters: People who support and or are interested in John Edwards
Number of Group Members: 10

Dems' Feet to Fire: People interested in holding the Democrats' feet to the fire for what they promised and what they should be doing.
Number of Group Members: 20

Democrats (unofficial): registered Democrats or any people interested in the Democratic party
Number of Group Members: 24

Republicans (unofficial): registered Republicans or any people interested in the Republican party
Number of Group Members: 5

Republicans Former: former republicans who have changed party
Number of Group Members: 7

Libertarians (unofficial): Registered Libertarians and those interested in the Libertarian Party
Number of Group Members: 12

Hillary Clinton Supporters: Supporters of Hillary Clinton and people interested in her campaign
Number of Group Members: 5

Progressive Democrats of America: Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and our country. As a grassroots PAC operating inside the Democratic Party, and outside in movements for peace and justice, PDA contributed mightily to the stunning electoral victory of November 2006. http://pdamerica.org/
Number of Group Members: 72

CODEPINK: CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities.
Number of Group Members: 34

Kucinich for President: If you are backing Dennis Kucinich for President, this is your group.
Number of Group Members: 19

Ron Paul Supporters: A group for 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul - a man who defies the left-right paradigm.
Number of Group Members: 17

National Presidential Caucus: Associated Press: "The goal of the National Presidential Caucus is to have thousands of local, self-organized, Web-enabled and face-to-face gatherings across the country convene on Dec. 7 , more than a month before the first votes are cast for the Democratic and Republican nominations. . ."
Number of Group Members: 2

Capitalism – a threat to life on Earth: This group seeks to understand our social predicament – with its inequities, class-domination, resource wars and degradation of the human spirit – as arising from and causally linked to the underlying coercive imperatives of the socioeconomic system ruling over us –corporate capitalism.
Number of Group Members: 9

We Won't Vote!: Refusing to vote in faith-based elections for war criminals is a vote of "no confidence" in our government.
Number of Group Members: 8

Election Integrity Activists and Interested: If you are an election integrity activist, if you care about problems with the election, voting, vote counting, election funding system, this is a place for you.
Number of Group Members: 20

My Group: About everything that is political interesting.
Number of Group Members: 1

Greater Philadelphia Progressive Coalition: Progressive Activists within the Greater Philadelphia environs
Number of Group Members: 4

cartoonist: This group is for people who love poking fun at politicians
Number of Group Members: 2

Bucks Health Care Reform: Dedicated to universal, high quality, affordable, healthcare.
Number of Group Members: 1

US Foreign Aid: A Group to discuss US Foreign Aid activities, institutions etc....
Number of Group Members: 2

Common Ground NYC: Common Ground NYC is dedicated to the principle that all persons have equal and common rights in the earth and its resources and each individual has an exclusive right to the income from his or her own labor and capital investment.
Number of Group Members: 1


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