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State-Level Tea Party Activists in New "McCarthyism" Fight Against Agenda 21, Seeing Threatening UN Plot

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Amanda Lang
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Tea Party activist Judd Saul admits that he can sound a little unhinged when he gets talking about an issue close to his heart that most Americans have never heard of - Agenda 21. If you don't know what it is, you're not alone - only about 15% of Americans do. It is a nonbinding U.N. resolution signed by more than 170 world leaders (including GHW Bush) at the 1992 Earth Summit as a way to promote sustainable development in the face of a rapidly growing global population. A small percentage of Americans say it is an attack on their very existence - part of a grand conspiracy to take away their gun rights, destroy suburbia,and turn America into a modern-day Soviet state.
At a local level across the country, conservative activists linked to the Tea Party movement have rallied around the cause of blocking development they say is part of the conspiracy.
Read the rest of the story HERE:

At www.huffingtonpost.com
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OpedNews volunteer from 2005 to 2013.

Amanda Lang was a wonderful member of the Opednews team, and the first volunteer editor, for a good number of years being a senior editor. She passed away summer 2014.

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