A mother separated from her caged baby at Christmas
(Image by Collage of Public domain art by Meryl Ann Butler for OpEdNews) Details DMCA
It’s an unconventional take on the nativity scene at St. Susanna’s Parish Dedham, MA. The baby Jesus is in a cage, the wise men are closed off by a wall. For the parish, the crèche is meant to be thought provoking. “We try to take a picture of the world as it is and put it together with a Christmas message,” said Pastor Fr. Stephen Josoma. Parishioner Phil Mandeville says Jesus was no stranger to politics. “Christ was political, he was hung on a cross for making political statements and bucking authority and that’s exactly why he died,” Mandeville said. The nativity scene is meant to be a symbol of hope, and at St. Susanna’s the hope is that a conversation has begun.